Thursday, August 03, 2006

Back to the good ol' days

Ohhhh I am so thrilled!

Apparently, the Europeans have been talking to Syria all along! Our "brothers" in Damascus watch Lebanon burn and drool like an animal infected with rabies! All they see is an opportunity to return back to Lebanese soil and impose their suffocating rule.

AFP reports that Spanish Foreign Minister Miguel Angel Moratinos said, after a meeting with Assad and his clique that

"The Syrian authorities are going to exercise all their influence over Hezbollah and over the various actors" in the conflict...

However, he told reporters, Syrian leaders want a "change in the circumstances and the political-military context in which Lebanon lives."

"Syria wants to be part of the solution. Syria doesn't want to be part of the problem."

So, Syria wants to "be part of the solution," eh? And it wants "a change in the circumstances and the political-military context in which Lebanon lives," as well.

Yay for Lebanon! We're all going back to good al' days of Assad posters in Beirut's streets, nobody saying anything bad about anybody Syrian, and losing control of our fates. Yay!!!

Let me start practicing: "I love Syria" ... "I love Bashar" ... "I love Hafez" ... "I love Bassel" ...

Thank you International Community. Thank you Israel. Thank you Nasrallah. Thank you all.


Lazarus said...

what were the lines again?

bil roh, bil dam ...

better brush up on all those rhymes :)

AM said...

Oh c'mon people, have faith!
We lose everything if we don't have faith!
Remember the ones who died and are still dying, you cannot let them down now.
We may lose hope for a while, we're sad, we're angry, we're disappointed even but hey, some things are not allowed and we will not let them happen. We may not be in control or empowered right now but we have to keep waiting for for the opportunity!
Chin up Raja :)

I am Lebanon, that's my new title now :)
PS: Please do not bring me down with your downs.

Marcel said...


The nations of the world are quick to blame Israel for what has happened to Lebanon and silent on the end goal of Hezbollah and Iran of destroying Israel.
They are amoral and side with the majority cult of death and their oil.
The world can't help themselves ,they are cursed hypocrite's and what is happening in Lebanon is a foretaste of what will befall them.

It's God's promise to Abraham ;

Now the Lord had said to Abram:
"Get out of your country,
From your family
And from your father's house,
To a land that I will show you.
2 I will make you a great nation;
I will bless you
And make your name great;
And you shall be a blessing.
3 I will bless those who bless you,
And I will curse him who curses you;
And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed."
Genisis 12
The nation's have chosen to side with cursed Islam against Israel
and this is why God's judgment now begins to fall upon the whole earth.

11 Now also many nations have gathered against you,
Who say, "Let her be defiled,
And let our eye look upon Zion."
12 But they do not know the thoughts of the Lord,
Nor do they understand His counsel;
For He will gather them like sheaves to the threshing floor.
13 "Arise and thresh, O daughter of Zion;
For I will make your horn iron,
And I will make your hooves bronze;
You shall beat in pieces many peoples;
I will consecrate their gain to the Lord,
And their substance to the Lord of the whole earth."

Now it shall come to pass in the latter days
That the mountain of the Lord's house
Shall be established on the top of the mountains,
And shall be exalted above the hills;
And peoples shall flow to it.
2 Many nations shall come and say,
"Come, and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord,
To the house of the God of Jacob;
He will teach us His ways,
And we shall walk in His paths."
For out of Zion the law shall go forth,
And the word of the Lord from Jerusalem.
3 He shall judge between many peoples,
And rebuke strong nations afar off;
They shall beat their swords into plowshares,
And their spears into pruning hooks;
Nation shall not lift up sword against nation,
Neither shall they learn war anymore.*
4 But everyone shall sit under his vine and under his fig tree,
And no one shall make them afraid;
For the mouth of the Lord of hosts has spoken.
5 For all people walk each in the name of his god,
But we will walk in the name of the Lord our God
Forever and ever.

Micah IV

Anonymous said...

Spain (for that matter, France, Germany, Portugal, or any of the rest of the EU) can talk till they're blue in the face. They're powerless and irrelevant, just overly fond of the sound of their own voices.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Isreal for teaching us how to hate Jews again.

If Israel fighting back against those who seek to destroy her makes you hate them, then you never forgot how. You've just been lying to yourself that you're not a racist so you don't feel so small and slimy.

The Middle East News Addict said...

Indeed Assad could not be happier. By supporting Hezbollah who has brought Israel to Lebanon rather than repel it; those who support Hezbollah support the reversing of the Ceder revolution. This should not be surprising due to the dpendence of Hezbollah in Iranian weaponry and finance and the Syrian conduit that moves it.

Lirun said...

lebnese liona lol

you are soo funny..

you make me laugh.. thank you


lisoosh said...

The more I see, the more I become aware that you cannot give people democracy, they have to fight for and earn it, they have to be willing to give everything and anything for it.
If not, someone will just come and take it from them.

Liona - Nasralla has refused all conditions, such as Lebanon protecting its own borders - he isn't asking for an end to hostilities, he is asking for surrender. The surrender of Israel and the surrender of Lebanon. Israel has no interest in surrender, you do whatever you want.

Lirun said...

no!!! not my akko.. not my town of hope.. not the place where jew christians muslims and druze celebrate life together..

160 rockets were fired at israel today by HA and one of them killed 5 people in AKKO when it hit a car..

AKKO is a symbol of hope to me personally..

when this war is over i shall start a special project in that town in honour of those people.. not sure what and not sure how..

another 3 were killed in their house when a rocket blasted it and 33 others were injured from rockets.. which means hundreds of traumatised people..

in their honour i pray we have peace.. in their name i hope their loved ones never have to suffer again..

you can bomb us with all your rockets but you wont break my wish for peace and you wont make me stop believing in your compatriots that i know want it to..


Lirun said...

lebnese liona

thanks for mentioning the word peace..

its very rare that i dont totally encourage people to use that word.. but when you blend in hitler analogies - i ask that you direct your words to someone else.. rather than me.. let them argue with you.. i have many compatriots that will be happy to.. and you in turn have many compatriots that have offered me complete respect and conducted nothing but dignified conversations with me over the past 2 weeks..

my family commenced WWII with over 300 relatives in Europe.. my grandmother and grandfather were the only two to survive except for one other great uncle who crawled out of a pile of bodies because he was too faint to stand up when they lined him up for the shooting and passed out before he was hit.. he slipped through the gates with a baby he heard cry out of the trough of shit - but because he skinny enough he fit through the bars and through a european winter made his way to the south of greece where he boarded a boat to america.. eating grass along the way and hiding in the woods barely clothed with an enfant in his arms the entire journey.. i dont appreciate your hitler comparisons..

if you want peace start behaving like it..

that is all i ask


Lirun said...

i have not asked you to feel bad for me.. even though i do in fact mourn for you.. i have only asked you to be respectful if you seek peace.. and if you prefer to use vile metaphors then im not interested.. however if you're prepared to moderate your own comments as i can 100% assure you that i do mine - then you will find an avid participant in me for peaceful dialog.. your choice

Lirun said...


im not very good at drawing with unformatted text but thats supposed to be a plate of marinated pickled olives.. dig in


Lirun said...

i think olmert is going to want to feel that he can assure israel's security.. i think its going to be a hard sell for him to our country that nasralla's offer is genuine.. israel's experience is that cease fires can be promised by some.. and if even honoured by the "untrustworthy" counterpart - there are often still break away factions that will disregard the commitment..

it may be different here given that HA is a much more centralised organisation that those of the palestinians.. but i think what is really needed is not necessarily a military benchmark but more an achievement of sorts..

i think this is where we have all been going severely wrong.. while a platter of HA skulls would have a strong impact i think there could be other more impressive achievements that could be achieved through non military means if the parties were prepared to go far enough..

at the end of the day its about trust..

i think if there was a massive petition that was signed by your average person on both sides.. not judging.. not condemning.. not promising.. but merely stating unequivocally that what we sought was peace - as the people of our region - i think that in itself would have an impact..

i think you and i talking amongst us and sharing our views with others is us doing something.. but we have to do more.. more frequently and lobby our representatives..

i sent a letter last night to tv channel 10,, to olmert.. to peres.. to peretz.. to livni.. to shalom.. to beilin to gal on and sent them a copy of our blog yesterday when we negotiated an agreement.. this tells them that people within want peace and thatpeople outside want peace.. i thanked them for seeking to defend me but reminded them that the greatest security they can ever dream to achieve for me and my nation will only happen through peace..

these voices need to multiply.. governments need to know this.. military intelligence doesnt collect this information!

we need to speak up!!

hoping you all join me in this effort to unconditionally express my desire for peace with my neighbours..

dont be afraid.. voice it

every person has a voice.. use it.. thats why god gave it to you

Lirun said...

ps loli is a very clear and balanced thinker..

FreeCyprus said...

we here in Greece are making fun of Syria and Iran...they are sitting on their asses "yap, yap, yapping" as we say

God bless the innocent people dying in the conflict

BeeJ said...

Fuck you all. You are all a bunch of manipulated losers. Whether you have an opinion or not, it doesnt really make a difference -- not to lebanon, not to Israel, or Hizbollah. If you are so concerned, why dont you go down there and fight on either side instead of making hypocritical stupid ass comments on this blog. Fuck you and your views. Fuck your emotions and which side you stand on. Fuck your conspiracy theory. Fuck which side you stand on, and fuck your memories. You are being manipulated into that which you dont know. You have no idea, and now you can kiss my white ass.

Bernard (ben) Tremblay said...

Du calme, mon cher ... Iran is swaggering loudly at the moment; a time for steady steel, yes?

But something you can clarify to those of us whose languages are all European: what did Nazrallah actually say? I have blogged that "We will strike Tel Aviv if you strike central Beirut" is relatively sane ... perhaps a gesture. But such as CNN as saying "after Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah vowed to strike Tel Aviv in retaliation for Israel's bombardment of Beirut", quite a different matter.

I've been reminding people of how the Cuban Missile Crisis was wound-down after "men of good will" succeeded in communicating by slight gestures. We cannot abandon the ground to the crude and rude.

may our children's children know all of this only as distant memories


Skymuse said...

May I humbly suggest that after all this is over, that you *PLEASE LEAVE ISRAEL ALONE* This would involve NOT shooting rockets over the border, NOT kidnapping/killing soldiers, NOT sending terrorists over the border to detonate themselves in crowded city areas, and generally NOT supporting people that call for the extermination of anyone.

Ever notice that when you keep to yourself that the bombs don't fall? It's one of those really cool benefits to having a civilized society.

And quit with the western-powers blame game -- you middle easterners don't want us involved until you're getting killed, usually as a result of your own actions. Then you whine that we didn't do enough to keep peace when it is plain you don't want it in the first place, at least not by conventional definitions.

Lie down with terrorists, wake up in craters. We're all sick of trying to talk with savages bent on our destruction, that of the US and Israel. There are plenty of us in the US that would in fact like to see our military involved so that it would end quickly -- the problem for you is that we would come to the aid of OUR FRIEND ISRAEL in their pursuit of wiping out HA. HA, as you might recall, has gotten away with the murder of hundreds of US soldiers and civilians over the last 20 years, and we have done NOTHING about it.

If you cannot or will not reign in the terrorist elements of your society, then your society is by definition a supporter of terrorism and will not garner much sympathy.

Lycanthropy said...

the sadder thing is that we are slipping back even further , it seems that the ayatollahs are coming for us this time, with their puppets in syria cheering them on

Lirun said...

venezuela has just recalled their ambassador from israel..

Mark Prime (tpm/Confession Zero) said...

I am an American and you are not helping matters by using inflamatory language that only benefits your small view of the world. Do you honestly think that the US or Israeli governments (not the innocent peoples) are actually looking out for the best interests of the region? Shortsighted at best. Your comment alone is reason enough to disengage with is the way the world percieves the US my friend... The world (majority) see the US as the terrorist...did you know that? It is rhetoric and ignorance such as yours that has given America the award for most hated country. Not from jealousy of our freedoms as many of your ilk are privy to say, but from deep hatred of our hypocritical policies and our invasion of foreign land and our instillation of permanent military bases...the list goes on and on... The US does much good but generally there is no altruistic value to our is usually attached (unbeknownst to us) with a price... Until you truly understand the regional conflict in the Middle East might I suggest you not make such broadstrokes with your comments regarding "our friend Israel"... Please. You're blowing too much smoke...

Lirun said...


so to sum up your views..

israel is lead by war criminals

the USA is bad at public relations

and iran has only dove farms and seeks nothing but love.. bear hugs and honey kisses..

hmm.. dubious.. and a very bland analysis - i'm not sure how much you have contributed to our discussion.. or to the suffering people of lebanon and israel

thanks for trying

wishing peace to our region and the continuation of more meaningful discussion - such as we have seen over the past few days..

stupidity can be harmful

Lirun said...

news on tv shows the story of a young lady

maayan bar yoel from a northern town had her house totally blasted into nothing by HA.. she desribes the shock and the horror of being the destination of a rocket.. she is an artist and all of her artwork and paintings have been ripped apart by the impact and her house reduced to rubble and declared "unfit" (fancy that).. computers ruined and all personal belongings almost destroyed.. she collects whats left of her life and loads her car with cds and little nicknaks that she has collected through her life.. looters have since stolen her car with the salvaged items in it and taken whatever was left from her house..

the tv anchor jokes and says "watch out.. next someone might confiscate your cat"

maayan laughs.. she speaks of her sadness and be she tells her story with a soft smile..

she doesnt have a home anymore..

her peace and tranquility is her personal victory - what a legend..

Unknown said...

you're the only one worth replying to obviously. so nasrallah said:
"if israel strikes center beirut we will not hesitate to hit tel-aviv with God's will. know that this will be only a reaction and not an action"

Lirun said...

straight to deep south idol


Lirun said...

seeker i totally agree with you

there some great turning points here over the past few days.. lebnese liona has renounced aggressive posting and professed that she seeks peace and mirvat has messaged me telling me she seeks peace as well..

i think a lot of us are passionate.. its about channelling the passion to the right cause and in a way that invites others to see our commonality..

our goals are so similar - its only our visions that are different.. if learn about eachother rather than shoot eachother's views down we have a real chance of peace..

believing in it more today than ever before.. i have made so many friends on through blogging..

loli's words are always clear and balanced and dany show's a healthy pragmatism.. many good minds here.. hopefully being productive about our issues will infect more and more people..

always appreciate the balance you bring.. you represent us well


Lirun said...

im excited.. i have come up with an idea for comprehensive peace - i will post it tomorrow..

wishing us all a safe day

we can do it!!

Shirin said...

Why the Europeans have been talking to Syria and not to Israel or Lebanon. I don't think Lebanon need Syria, I think Lebanon need to be free... free of Syria, free of Israel and Israely attacks and free of Hizbollah.
Lebanon is an independent country. Lebaneses citizenes are strong.
Maybe if Syria and Hizbolla werent in Lebanon... the war would not take place.


Shirin from Lebanon

Master Blaster said...

Dude, relax. Pay attention who's talking and who's not talking, and who's saying what.

This is Miguel Angel Moratinos. In other words, absolutely nobody. An old buddy of the Syrians. This is Spain. Spain is not a player. What are the US and France saying? Exactly. Where are the Russians? Exactly.

This is just noise. Useless chatter. Relax. Don't fall for the propaganda of the regime's hounds both in the media and in the blogosphere. This is all absolutely meaningless.

Lirun said...


where in lebanon are you right now?


The Middle East News Addict said...

To George Best (oactally not so much 'best')

I understand that you hate Jews again. You are the kind of person who probably liked them better as they waved at you from the back of a train car heading to Auschwitz,; not when they have the capability to defend themselves.

Perhaps it is time that the moderator of this thread excercise some required judment... please

The Middle East News Addict said...

To Lebanese Liona

I am delighted to see that you have toned down your warlike messages in your comment to Lirun. Everybody who has been follwing your comments would notice that. It only shows that these kinds of internet discussions can overcome brdiges