Saturday, May 14, 2005

The Facts: So We Wouldn't Forget

I feel compelled to translate this piece of news from Al-Mustaqbal:

On the 22nd of December 1999, the Parliament then passed an electoral law, known now as the 2000 election law, voted in by 81 MPs and turned down by 17 MPs among whom are the late Hariri and his parliamentary bloc, including MPs Nassib Lahoud, Kamil Ziade, and Najah Wakim. Four abstained and 26 were not present.

The President, along with his close circle of politicians and MPs, have been voicing for the past couple of weeks their complete refusal to support the 2000 election law, when back then they were its avid supporters. On December 24, 1999, President Lahoud claimed that the 2000 election law upholds the principle of "no one cancels the other" and he praised the "democratic" atmosphere in which the parliamentary debates to elect the law were conducted.

Michel Murr, then the Interior Minister, applauded the election law (Dec. 27, 1999) and believed that 80% of the Lebanese approve of it. He also added, "circumstances and the President's absolute impariality put a limit to our ambitions by promulgating a law that will not allow any to 'tailor a suit to fit his size.'"

So we wouldn't forget....

"Nobody knows how many rebellions, besides political rebellions, ferment in the masses of life which people earth."

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