Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Once you taste honey...


Ecumene said...

Lebanon for Lebanese....

May the Song of Guy Béart
be heard again...

Liban libre, libre Liban
Enfants libres, libres enfants
Et tous les martyrs
Chrétiens, musulmans
Avant de partir
Ont crié ce chant

Liban libre, libre Liban
Enfants libres, libres enfants

Toi qui nous montras
Tant d'humanité
Qui ouvris les bras
Aux déshérités

Liban libre, libre Liban

Si ton rivage fraternel
À Dieu ne plaise allait mourir
Je ne crois pas que l'arc-en-ciel
Sur Terre pourra revenir
Pour qu'un beau jour le monde entier
Ne vive pas dans la terreur
Je ne dois jamais oublier
Le petit Liban au grand cœur
Qui offrit l'hospitalité
À tous les peuples poursuivis
De l'eau vive aux persécutés de la vie

Liban libre, libre Liban
Enfants libres, libres enfants

Libres sur la mercredi
Libres sur les routes
Dans les cœurs ouverts
Et vivre à Beyrouth
Liban libre, libre Liban

Liban libre, libre Liban
Enfants libres, libres enfants

Tes montagnes pures
On les a salies
Avec les blessures
De l'argent folie
Liban libre, libre Liban

Avec la drogue; avec les armes
Au lieu des fruits de tes vallées
On fait de l'or on fait des larmes
On fait du sang avec du lait
On s'est même payé la corde
La corde pour être pendu
Payé pour la miséricorde
Et payé pour être vendu
Payé pour devenir esclave
Payé pour être massacré
Payé pour vivre dans les caves

Liban libre, libre Liban
Ton chant vibre, vibre ton chant

Vibre dans nos cœurs
Vibre dans nos corps
Pour que le bonheur
Nous survive encore
Liban libre, libre Liban

(passage arabe)

Que tous tes enfants
Avec l'harmonie
Du ciel et du temps
Retrouvent leur nid
Liban libre, libre Liban

Levons le verre de l'espérance
Le verre du cèdre du Liban
Le gland du lait de la naissance
Le rouge du sang des vivants
Levons le verre de l'espérance
Ensemble partout mieux qu'avant
Réunis pour la renaissance
Du monde en paix pour les enfants
Liban libre, libre Liban

Guy Béart et les enfants libres

Andrey said...

You are full of shit, all this supperior ashkenazi thing was invented by arabs - and only in minds of people like you it exists. Can you show me one somalian jew that died in that war ? Can you show me a brigade made of only somalian jews ? In fact, can you show me a somalian jew at all? - there is no such thing.

Andrey said...

It's only about your answer to ami gross.

Andrey said...

al and omer
about wedings an burial - if you are a jew it is done by jewish laws, if you are moslem it is done by moslem laws,and so on...
The Jewish state means that it is a home and protector of jews of all the world - meaning if you are a jew, you have the right to become citizen. Protector, means of all the jews in the world (it wasn't meant to be needing constant protection for itself).
Arabs have no rights ? I dare you to give me an example. You should know that there are druz,beduins, cherkes, muslim arabs in IDF.
And about neighbourhoods: there were waves of aliah in different years, with people coming and seteling together. Neighbourhood is being build, people come and settle in it - thats it. Israel is not different in that way, than any other country.

Baroon said...


root cause said...


your comments are absolutley laughable. i think your true calling was comedy. why don't you move to southern lebanon, i'm sure they have a burka that will fit, but don't dare speak your mind, they don't like women who talk, and speak their mind. nasrallah, a hero?!?!?! WTF?!?! lay off the drugs!! they won't help you!!

hey...if i rob a bank, and fight the police (who are a much superior foe), and am willing to die for my "cause"...will you make me a hero too?!?!? ridiculous!

you always speak of non-violence, so it is a contradiction for you to honor nasralllah...dam, do you ever read back your comments before you post them???

praying the cease-fire holds.

Shirin said...

I used to believe that Hizbollah's main interest is Lebanon, but i have realized that it is not true. They don't care about Lebanese... look what happened to our beautiful country because of them, they started this war.
I hope the cease fire won't be broken by some stupid act of Hizbollah.

Peace in Lebanon!!!


Akiva M said...

>>They are not the threat to us we are making them out to be. Why can't we just leave them alone? Why do we have to try to impose our ways on them? Who says a democracy like in the US or Isarel is best for them? Shouldn't that be their choice, not ours?<<

Why can't "we" just leave them alone?

Because they do things like make a cross border raid to kill and capture "us", or have no compunction lobbing rockets at civillians.

Because their goal is "our" death. Hezbollah in their own words:

"Hezbollah's spokesperson Hassan Ezzedin had this to say about the Farms: "If they go from Sheba'a, we will not stop fighting them. Our goal is to liberate the 1948 borders of Palestine...[Jews] can go back to Germany or wherever they came from.”[18]" (Quote from New Yorker, 10/14/2002)

Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah: "If Jews all gather in Israel, it will save us the trouble of going after them worldwide." (NY Times, May 23, 2004, p. 15, section 2, column 1.)

Because they talk about needing to free Samir Quntar.

Why can't we leave them alone? Because they refuse to let us.

Akiva M said...


You're making a fundamental mistake. I am not saying that their goal is death; they said it, openly and repeatedly and with pride.

>>You say their goal is your death. Who, whose goal is Israel's death? every man, woman, and child in Iran and every man, woman, and child who is a Shiite Muslim in Lebanon? Can you kill every single one of them? If you don't, the ones who survive will grow up to hate you and try to kill you.<<

um . . . ok. Israel doesn't have anybody's death as a goal. It's goal is simply not to be attacked. Not all that hard to understand the difference.

>>Israel's hate for Hezbullah and Iran is no less then the hate you perceive they have for Israel.<<

Sherri, do you understand what hate means? It is an irrational and emotional response. Israel doesn't "hate" Iran; it's threatened (literally) by Iran and responds appropriately.

Aside from which, you are playing semantic games. Not all hate is equivalent. Nazis hate jews. Jews hate nazis. Equivalent?

Johnny hates women, so he rapes and beats them. I hate cats, so I don't buy one. Equivalent?

Yes, yes, I know, you admire Hezbollah. That's not an intelligent or defensible position to take once you are aware of their clear statements of genocidal intent (as you have been made aware)

Akiva M said...

>>Whether we hate or not, we always make choices as to how we act upon that hate. So what if some members of Hezbullah hate Israel? So what if some officials in the government in Iran hate Israel. That is no reason to destroy them, on the pretext of self defense, or because "they hate us and want to destroy us."<<

Sherri, did you miss the part where Hezbollah moved past speech and into actions?

Look, you (hypothetical, generic "you") want to rant and rave about how you want to kill me? Fine by me; you can speak all you want. But when you take steps to put that plan into action - buying weapons, breaking into my house, harassing my kids - it is no longer right or even sane for me to ignore your actions on a "live and let live" theory.

Hezbollah and Iran are talking about killing Israelis and destroying Israel, and Hezbollah and Iran (through Hezbollah) took steps towards that outcome. As soon as they moved from talk to action, the time to "just let go" passed. And as soon as they started to take those steps, "self-defense" became a reality, not a "pretext"