There two demonstrations taking place in PARIS.
Monday, August 7 at 7:00PM next to the Fontaine Des Innocents, sponsored by Amnesty International to urge the international community to pressure for an immediate ceasefire.
Tuesday, August 8 at 7:00PM at the Place de la Bastille, for All Lebanese and friends of the Lebanese in support of Lebanon and a call for an immediate ceasefire without conditions.
"Nobody knows how many rebellions, besides political rebellions, ferment in the masses of life which people earth."
i dont know if there is such thing a cease fire without conditions..
the lack of associated terms does not eliminate conditions..
if we agree to a CF without the return of our hostages and without the dissarming of the HA then what this reall is - is something else.. it's a ceasefire with the following guarantees:
(a) HA can re-assemble
(b) HA can re-arm
(c) HA can further leverage its kidnapping
(d) the people of lebanon can be used again as a battle field for additional auxiliary purposes
(e) the people in northern israel can expect additional rockets when the HA decides to revise the agenda
(f) Telaviv and other cities may still expect surprises
(g) israel can have its arm twisting into further strikes
and these become the implied conditions of such a ceasefire..
i ask all of us.. the people of lebanon and israel.. do we want a ceasefire with these guarantees attached?
more than anything - i want peace.. i believe my neighbours do too..
am i being too paranoid?
trying to trust - trying so hard
you're quite disgusting.. you remind me of those people who glue their faces to horror movies..
blood lust?
our people are dying every day as well..
you are not helping anyone
why don't you fly over here.. and sit in qiryat shmona and write those poems of yours..
tell the people whose houses are being bombed.. whose lives are being destroyed and whose children are being killed.. recite to them about their blood lust..
look them in the eye and tell them that sitting as ducks under rocket fire for the past few decades is blood lust..
sherri.. i can appreciate that you may be trying to forward a peaceful outcome..
but your lack of empathy in a truly two multifaceted situation is stomach turning..
it's rare that i respond to people on this angle.. but i cannot accept the presentation of unsubstantiated opinion as if it were fact.. what do you know about what we lust for? its clear you dont care at all..
i wish for real peace much more than you do - a peace for all of us - not just HA and frankly not just lebanon..
we all deserve peace
i am not for a second supporting the death of innocent people but
(a) you dont think that the death of our innocent men and children and women is deplorable?
(b) so are you telling me that israel's only choice was to send the HA a summons issued by a court asking them to attend and discuss why they have been bombing us for so long?
(c) what would you do - if you were israel.. please tell me.. how would you respond to the shelling? dont tell me what you would have done differently over the years because many different mistakes have been made by all.. and thats no secret.. think 3 weeks ago.. how would you ms sherri-israel have responded..
very curious
peace shouldnt mean suicide
i hate this discussion
my friend in beirut is telling me that he is out of money - he cant get out because he is afraid to travel and he cant afford food..
my friends in the north of israel have mostly evacuated but there is a lot of human suffering there as well.. especially amongst the poorer bunches who have nowhere to go and cant get to work and have kids to look after and people to bury and nurse..
i have only one question of my lebanese friends.. in qana and in every other bombing where civillians are tragically killed and we are told they could not escape because the land transport infrastructure has been damaged completely.. how is it that the hugo boss wearing international journalists can suddenly appear out of nowhere and film the whole thing..
there is no way they can get there by helicopters - i dont believe these oxford LSE harvard and yale graduates are living in these towns..
can someone please explain this anomoly
i want my friends to get out of there until its over..
i agree that not enough diplomatic work has been done..
israel is suffering a chrisis with the international institutions.. unifil saw our solidiers being kidnapped in the past and had video evidence that could have helped achieve their release.. they admitted to withholding the evidence and nothing came of this..
unfortunately little is now left of my countries respect for these organs..
a security council resolution was already passed on this matter.. it has been widely quoted on this blog.. how much more could we hope for..
we have been repeatedly bombed for a long time.. this is no secret and the world has not been interested..
so israel has resorted to a legal doctrine called self-help..
HOWEVER.. i still agree with you.. diplomacy has been under-explored..
unfortunately however - our repeated requests for a treaty with lebanon have been turned down and the UN has done nothing to enforce the resolution of its security council..
the problem in negotiating with a terrorist organisation is legitimising their strategy.. effectively that would mean sidelining lebanon as a sovereign and accepting that it is a purely administrative organ run by HA.. the message sent by such actions is that any group of vigilantes - whether or not political - should be able to cripple a sovereign into yielding to its demands..
this is a terrifying message..
i for one am passionate about the environment - i love my land and i am very sad about forests burning and oil ravaging our marine life.. i think its fatally detrimental and i worry about it.. so i pick up garbage everywhere i go hiking and i take every international guest i have to a polluted beach for a morning to remove rubbish.. i certainly dont bomb people about it - or kidnap them or stab a family.. even though i feel that my cause is global and 10000000% correct..
Sherri - again - i think your heart is sitting in the right place.. but i think your vision is squewed..
wishing peace to every single one of us
its to be shared
You commenters are too much focused on what is happening now. There probably most definitely IS a PLAN in Israel's government's mind about this whole issue. It doesn't end with Hesbollah.
Why do I say this? Do I know some deep secret? No, I am just an ordinary joe living in Japan. I have worked for the government. I know how goverments think,,well, sort of..I'm no genius. The government, any government has people making plans, that's their job, make plans based on various scenarios.
Some of these are fantasies, that current leaders/bureaucrats think will never happen. You never know the future. The guys in power depend on being prepared for anything, as much as possible. they pay big money for the smartest people they can get to take information and put it together in different ways.
So, I have been reading these blogs for
2 weeks, and I didn't find much in the discussions about the FUTURE plans for Hesbollah, Israel, Lebanon. I'm basically lazy, I thought I would get the answers here. I found I had to do some searching on my own.
NO, I don't claim to have THE ANSWER. Because there isn't ONe. No one knows the future, but if you have a little imagination, you can put yourself in their shoes, walk a few miles and then you begin to see as "they" see, and catch some thoughts as "they" would think. There are several "theys" and "thems". Take your pick. The Internet has alot of useful (and useless) information out there...waiting
i hope there is a plan.. im feeling like my government is dealing with moving targets.. and for this reason i hate it..
i dont know when either party will feel that it has achieved its goals..
when the draft CF was announced i was encouraged.. i thought perhaps we now both have a chance for our testosterone soaked governments/HA (and i say this as proud member of the male gender) to bail out respectfully..
i am fearful that the UN resolution will be toothless - however - until it gets totally ignored.. i continue to hope that they will
i want this war over as soon as possible..
sorry sadlebanese girl.. i can tell that responding to you specifically will only serve argument..
wishing for peace
we need peace
that is to say - i continue to hope the CF will be accepted and honoured
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