Friday, July 14, 2006

Iran-Syria Axis Fully Materializing

I don't know what to say anymore. Sayyid Nasrallah is still alive and declaring an open war. Where is our President? Where are our Ministers? Prime Minister? Members of Parliament?

All these institutions and the guardians of these institutions are obsolete at this point. Nasrallah is leading the show. He's defying everything and everyone. He is assuming the position of the guardian of the Prophet's Family, against all odds. This is not about Lebanon anymore; this is about Nasrallah's pride.

The Iran-Syria Axis has just fully materialized!

An Israeli warship was hit on the coast off of Beirut, the same warship that hit Hizbullah's headquarters which housed Nasrallah.

Lebanon is a hostage and all the Lebanese people are a pawn in the hands of the few.

Update: Rumours in the streets of Saida are that the Israelis have landed a ground force. The rumours are unfounded, but the city is terrified!

Update 2: The story has just been clarified by NTV. It appears that reconnaisance personnel from Hizballah noticed Israeli frogmen (i.e. Naval Commandos) on the shores of Saida. They then reported their suspicions to the Lebanese Army. The Army then responded by sealing the area, and searching it thoroughly. The Army then announced that it was all clear and withdrew. They either did not find the frogmen, or the frogmen never landed in the first place.

Update 3: The latest reports (or maybe rumors flowing around in Lebanon) is that Israel will destroy the last major land route leading outside of Lebanon within the next 24 hours. (i.e. they are going to hit the road to syria that goes through Tripoli).

Update 4: Hizbullah attempted to hit another Israeli warplane, but missed and hit an Egyptian ship instead.

"Nobody knows how many rebellions, besides political rebellions, ferment in the masses of life which people earth."


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Lycanthropy said...

Malginant Narcissism

Nero (Rome 64 AD)
Nasrallah (Beirut 2006)

Anonymous said...

oh i see you are leaving. good bye to you and thanks for the interesting conversation.
-lebanese student

Anonymous said...

well it's a sorrow that both israelis and lebanese are being killed.
but maybe this time Hezbollah will get out of Lebanon, and Lebanon will finally become an indopendent nation.

if you do support terror acts against Israel don't cry when Israel attacks you.
but if you don't support those attacks on Israel then you should take responsibility to your soil.

if you cannot fight Hezbollah then ask for the UN forces to help you.. but if you have a member of hezbollah in your government then you fully responsiable.

and that is what Israel is trying to tell you..

so it's true you don't see eye to eye with the Israeli policy, but you cant blaim Israel for that, and you cant blaim Israel for aggression.

if it comes from Lebanon, then it's Lebanese responsibility.
get Hezbollah out or live with the consiquences.

Anonymous said...

god save the middle east from people like Nasrallah.

Anonymous said...

Dear Nassar....
Sure, Nassrallah is a great hero and good fighter!
He kidnapped two Israeli soldiers, the Israelis are terrified! Good for Nassralla and Iran.
But Lebanon is paying the huge price for his "Heroism" actions. Lebanon has just started to become, again, Paris of the Middle East. Lots of tourist and more stability. But somehow, Iran's, Syria's and Hezbollah’s agenda is a little different than Lebanon and the Arab world.
Israel withdraw from Lebanon. The fight against Israel should be from the occupied territories and for the refugees. Nassralla is using and raping Lebanon.
Lets try this scenario!
-Lebanon is signing a peace agreement with Israel and becoming again the Paris of the middle east.
a long Road and Trains can pass from Lebanon into Israel reaching Egypt.
The economy will raise high.
Money from Europe, USA and wealthy Arab countries can support and improve the lives of all Palestinian refugees in the occupied territories and in other places.
the billions of $'s that spent for militant groups to fight endless war against Israel (which never helped...) can be used to re-build and improve Palestine economy.
with this stable middle east, the pressure against Israel to withdraw from the occupied territories and to found a fair solution to the refugees will be much higher from US, Europe, Arab countries and mostly from within Israel!!!
Israel Left Lebanon and Left Gaza only because the movement from within Israel dictates that.
Think about this solution. isn't it sound better than a war against Israel?
Israel can be pushed slightly, but when we push hard Israel will push much much harder....
Nassralla is the proxy of Iran, he will gain power and money only during war time. this is his interest to start a war. Iran interest is to continue its nuclear program, Iran doesn't care for Lebanon, she act against Israel but not for the benefit of Lebanon.
any comments?

Anonymous said...

"any comments?"

Ya. Up yours, you terrorist scum.

Anonymous said...

up yours anon 8:42

Anonymous said...

Since there are israelis reading and commenting here, I have a couple of questions I always wanted to get an answer to:

1- Is it true that children in israeli schools get taught arabic alongside hebrew?
2- do ALL israelis have to go thru military service? Are there exemptions?
3- Do you all observe Sabbath?
4- Do you eat shawawrma in israel?


Anonymous said...

so - WHY did israel debilitate an entire sovereign country's transportation system? you're supposed to believe that they did so, because they were worried that the two abducted soldiers would be taken to iran or syria. WHY did they "worry" about this?

"Because that's what happen to Ron Arad to the best of anyone's knowledge."

more crazy, unacceptable israeli logic. now - here's some more (if you can stomach it...)

"It's wrong to force Israel to kill Lebanese civilians."

israeli citizens on this site - it is your moral obligation to do what you can to stop your government from these heinous actions. it is up to me and all americans to do what we can to stop america from supporting israel.

this must stop. this is mass insanity.

Anonymous said...

yeah - we are "taught" that palestinians are taught from a young age to "hate israel." however - it's israel that forces every college-age adult to go through military service - and don't tell me they teach love and tolerance, there.

it's so fucked up.

Anonymous said...

When 20% of Lebanese vote for Hizballah you cant make an opt out and say that Hizballah doesnt represent Lebanon.

Also Hizballah have ministers in Lebanese Governement.

Anonymous said...

To Steve
1- yes. we are obligated to learn english and either Arabic or french (ha ha ha)
2- yes, we all have to go to the army, unless you declare yourself a student of the tora or in case you are a girl married or have children.
3-not all of us keep the sabbath.
4- yes, we eat shawarma and falafel as well and its good too!

Anonymous said...

Hizbullah attempted to hit another Israeli warplane, but missed and hit an Egyptian ship instead.

Damn you guys are just trying to piss everyone off huh?

Anonymous said...

"Hizbullah attempted to hit another Israeli warplane, but missed and hit an Egyptian ship instead."
i haven't seen it anywhere else. can you confirm?

Anonymous said...

i heard 11% of lebanon represented by hezbollah.

ok - is this "for real" - or did the propagandists take over the site in total? from a supposed "oppressed lebanon native," DYING (literally) for LIBERATION -

"i've lived my entire life without the taste of freedom. I was born into war, grew up under syrian occupation, and now we are shackled by Hezbullah. You are not Lebanese--you don't know what will happen if the government so much as utters a condemnation of hezbullah..."

ok, i can assume you have now been tracked down and killed? i doubt it. no real lebanese person can possibly be siding with israelis here. you propagandists need to get a little more clever - your agenda is showing.

Anonymous said...

Jews and Arabs lived in peace for centuries. We fight each other now because we see no other way, but we have a common enemy we can't see yet. Once the great enemy shows itself, we will find ourselves fighting together instead of against each other. Strange days indeed.

Anonymous said...

OK a couple of more questions:

1- In which language do you study math and sciences?

2- Do you have an option of doing civil service instead of joining the army for the military service?

Thanks again

Anonymous said...

who is the great enemy?

Anonymous said...

anon it's not crazy logic, I posted it, I'm not Israeli or a Jew. Lebanon attacked Israel, there are over 70 Lebanese dead now. Lebanon insists on continuing the attacks. That's crazy. Lebanon's no match for Israel even with it's support from Syria. It's crazy to separate Hezbollah from Lebanon too when both Lebanon and Hezbollah and Syria all claim Shaabaa Farms is Lebanese, and Hezbollah has officials in the government.

America won't stop supporting Israel anymore than the EU or even the mainstream Arab world will come to Hizbollah's aid. They are all talk. Lebanon burns because of their crazy, misguided definition of "sovereignty"

Anonymous said...

1- we study those in hebrew
2- yes, some ppl can do civil duty instead.
and you welcome

Anonymous said...

Steve -
1- Is it true that children in israeli schools get taught arabic alongside hebrew?

Yes, in many schools (mine included), starting from 6th or 7th grade. But it's usually taught as a third language (we start learning English at 4th grade).

2- do ALL israelis have to go thru military service? Are there exemptions?

There are exemptions (usualy related to health/mental health reasons) that can get you out of the mandetory service. One of them is if you are an Ultra-Orthodox religious.

3- Do you all observe Sabbath?
No. Most of us don't.

4- Do you eat shawawrma in israel?
Yes! In a lafa or a pitta, with some thina, hummus and some salad on the top. :-)

5 - we are not taught to hate in the military. some of us are taught how to kill. An army based on hate is not a good army, I think.

Anonymous said...

where are you Steve?

Anonymous said...

There was never true peace between Arabs and Jews. Muslims accepted Jews as long as Jews were dhimmis and submitted to Islamic rule. Even then at the whim of the Arabs Jews would be killed by state pogroms or zealous officials.

The idea that a once muslim occupied land could now be ruled by non-muslims just drives the extremist Muslims crazy. It's such a humiliation that dar al Islam no longer applies in Spain and especially Israel which is at the heart of the Arab world.

Anonymous said...

1- Speaking of which, is "pita" a hebrew word? We simply call it "arabic bread" (khebez 3arabeh), and I believe it's larger in size than the usual "pita". (i.e. ours is bigger than yours).

2- Do regular schools teach religion?


Anonymous said...

1-i think so. not sure.
2- oh, god, yes! from first grade on up, bible, bible, bible. ask me how much of it i remember.

Anonymous said...

and we call your bigger pita "laffa". we have that too

Anonymous said...

Just one correction to the aforementioned comments. As far as I know, nowdays English is taught in most schools starting from the first grade, alongside Hebrew of course.

Anonymous said...

well yes we need to choose between arabic to french.

yes we all do army service icluding me, and you're being taught there when it is o.k. for you to fire at people ( and i tell you that really after alot of attepmts not to fire ),

most of israeli people do not observe shabath because they're secular.

and yes we eat shawarma and lot more arab traditional food...
to tell you the truth my grand parents came from Iraq.. they fled Iraq actualy after being threatenned to be killed..

history is bitter
war is bitter
reality is strange
but only human courage can change!

we don't try to kill you, jusr to make you see that terror and violence is not the way.
and that Hezbollah is harmfull to you.

don't be affraid to say what you truely feel. only the truth will set you free.
and remember that Muhammad Moses and jesus are all the sons of the same god.. and when he looks at the middle east today he cries.
for the wonderful creation of him - humans had gone mad and waging wars one against each other..

Anonymous said...

who cares about all that?

israel's actions against the sovereign country of lebanon stands alone, as the heinous, international war crimes they are. there is no excuse. there are no good reasons, except mindless aggression. they are the terrorists they're so worried about - and because of their overactive hate and paranoia, the world pays. the most abhorrent victim-bullies in the world. the biggest hypocrites in the world. israel and its 1,000,000 excuses for its indefensible behavior can go to hell.

Anonymous said...

"we don't try to kill you, jusr to make you see that terror and violence is not the way.
and that Hezbollah is harmfull to you."

you warped fuck.

Anonymous said...


Its on Yahoo. Hrzbollah rocket aimed at israeli waships missed their target and struck a civiliam merchan ship. (It is probably egiptian.)

Anonymous said...

I'm currently outside of lebanon. And I believe in hearing both sides of every story.

"Laffa" sounds like a palestinian/jordanian word...

After you finish school, do you usually head to universities outside israel? or are colleges in israel an attractive choice to most of you?

Anonymous said...

looks like some ppl do care about all that, anon 9:21. we had a nice time talking and you just had to come in and spread hate. go to's late.

Anonymous said...

What were the egyptians doing so close to the navy ships to begin with.... Now if they were from Homs... :)

Anonymous said...

after school we go to the army.after the army we travelto forget about the army and then life comes... either work, school in israel or overseas, marriage, children and so on...

Anonymous said...

To the anonymous guy who doesn't think I'm Lebanese...

i'm lebanese w noss kaman bass 3arfeh inno ento, ya klab hezballah, ma 3andkon ay fikr 3an these things called "democracy", "freedom of speech"(hmmm btitzakar shoo 3melto min ba3d bass mat watan ?), "seperation of 'church' and state", etc.

lil asaf, ana mit2admeh w adra 3andeh my own bil7a2 wa7ad mad3oom min iran w soorya mfakarleh 7alo shee khara kbeer.

-LEBANESE student.
my apologies to those who can't deal with the fact that I can criticize my own country, freely.w

Anonymous said...

as you can see people with hate on their mind react like stupid people

we come here to talk but you act like animals
we try to show you that we're humans just like you but you keep on cursing us

do you think it serves you?
what it makes us think about you.....

Anonymous said...

i believe lafa is an arabic
word. we use many arabic words in our day to day slang

Anonymous said...

lebanese student
i understood the general meaning but
would you please translate. i only learned arabic for a couple of years and that was a long time ago.
thank you

Anonymous said...


Al Salam huwa allah

al irhab huwa tarick illa gahanom.

Anonymous said...

Regarding the universities in Israel. In Israel, we have highly regarded Universities, for example: Tel-Aviv U., The Hebrew U. of Jerusalem, The Technological institute of Haifa and many more. Fine examples for the aforementioned would be the following facts: in the last 3 years three Israeli Nobel prize winners did their research in the Technological Institute of Haifa, the Tel-Aviv Economics department is considered to be one of the finest in Europe, and the Hebrew U. was included in top 100 list of best U. in the world. Of course, there are many more highly regarded institutes on which I am able to elaborate.

Anonymous said...

Arabic indeed, but it seems to be in the palestinian dialect, which is quite different from the lebanese one, especially when you go closer to Beirut.

5- I understand you get married, and children and all, :) but I meant to ask about universities. Which ones are the biggest and famous ones in Israel?

6- I know that a lot of israelis are from all over the world. Do you have tensions among different ethnic groups? For example, russian israelis vs americans israelis...

Anonymous said...

I said, to the anonymous guy who doesn't think i'm lebanese:

I'm Lebanese and a half also but I know that you, dogs of hezbollah, have no knowledge of these things called "democracy", "freedom of speech (hmmm do you remember what you did after bass mat watan ? [a satire show after which crazed hezbollah maniancs burned tires and blocked the road to the airport and protested and broke things because hassan nassrallah was satirized]), "seperation of church and state", etc..

My apologies, I'm [i guess it would translate to] "before my time" and have my own opinion...i don't follow a crazy iranian guy supported by iran and syria, who thinks he's some big sh*t.
-Lebanese Student

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:38 thanks. Do you guys and girls prefer to stay in israel for college, or do you try to apply to foreign schools in Europe and the US ?

More! Where are you located currently? If in israel, are you on broadband? How much do you pay per month?

Are the movies in the cinema subtitled? or dubbed in hebrew?

Does it irritate you like it irritates us when public officials call it "khizballa" instead of "hizballa" ? :)

Anonymous said...

it's too bad this site has been overrun with israeli propagandists. you sound like neocons in america - bought and paid for.

i don't know who you think i am or where i come from - but the entire world, save a neocon press/media in the US and Israel - is against this action. the rest of the world sees the obvious. your day will come. your days of sympathy for some imagined perpetual victimhood are over.

your actions against the sovereign nation of lebanon is an international atrocity, and i hope you pay and pay dearly. it is what you deserve for your hate and unfathomable sense of entitlement.

this is not hate. your actions against lebanon, and against the palestinian people, are the damage. that is the hate, murder, and oppression. you have been horrible, deplorable stewards of the land given you - and it's time the international community came in and did what you cannot seem to do after a half century... that is, broker a solution.

Anonymous said...

"we had a nice time talking and you just had to come in and spread hate. go to's late."

i can sleep, but what about the lebanese? cute conversations while israel is blowing up their nation. so sweet - pardon me for interrupting your interesting exchange on israeli life. sounds lovely.

Anonymous said...

Subtitled, only children movies are dubbed, if any.
Where are from Steve?

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:45 you're going to go nowhere pointing fingers and cursing at each other back and forth.

obviously, the israelis here have only heard the version that their media is telling them, and they're repeating it over here.

And we have our version of the story that we've been hearing for decades.

I can do nothing about what is happening in Beirut from where I am, except pray that there will be no more casualties. I'll take this opportunity to know more abotu the people we're at war with. (or curse at them, and them at me ... pointless)

I believe what the IDF is doing is beyond comprehension, it's an overreatction, it's murder, and we don't need anyone to "clean our dirty laundry", but at least these people are here reading this blog, and I would rather learn more about them, and them about us.

A little disillusion for the ppl reading this. Nothing is as black and white as it's made to appear. I have been to the Khiam prison, I have seen the condition that the people were detained in, and I totally understand how people would join HA to avenge the family members that were tortured. But violence breeds violence. I don't knwo abotu you, but I live in the 21st century, and i am trying to have a civilized approach to life, and elevate myself above the primitive reactions.


Anonymous said...

i'm currently in the US. i pay $23 a month for broadband. my parents in Israel, i dont know how much they pay for their broadband but i can ask.

Anonymous said...

Where's the voices of THE CEDAR REVOLUTION. Please can't we come together and stand in the face of Hiz and show the world we arent a bunch of Arab baboons!

Anonymous said...

there used to be a lebanese falafel place near where i live. the owner was a druz and the cook was a christian guy from beirut. i used to go there twice a week, eat good food that reminded me of home and just hang out and talk. i am an israeli in the US. there is another way...

Anonymous said...

Shmulik, can you remind the readers what those 5 attacks were?

Anonymous said...

The "world" has to condemn Israel's right to defend itself because Arabs have oil and Israel does not. If there was no oil underneath Arab lands, then I can assure you that you would find the "world" not nearly as accomodating to Arab aggression or hostile to Israel's self-defense. The oil won't last forever, so enjoy it while it lasts.

Anonymous said...

Nasrallah is a fool.

Anonymous said...

Nasrallah is cool.

He surely knows how to put on a show.

Anonymous said...

still here Steve? never said where you are..

Anonymous said...

Anon 10:16, i'm a leb currently in canada.

Moey said...

guys could u check this out

Anonymous said...

Is Lebanon sovereign or a proxy state of Syria and Iran?

Either way anonymous 9:45, prepare to be consumed in fire. Attacks from Lebanon on Israel that violated Israeli sovereignty have opened the gates of hell. An Israeli earthquake will return Lebanon to the sea.

Anonymous said...

BC or east side?
i'm out here in the pacific northwest.

Anonymous said...

Steve. forgot to answer your questions about ethnic groups.
my family comes from Europe, we are called ashkenazim.
the ones that came from the arab countries called mizrachim. we have the ethiopians and the russians and minority of americans and south americans. on some levels there is tension but its complecated. i'm a slow typer, will take me an hour to write it down..

Anonymous said...

Charles Martel,

what you ppl (ppl advocating violence) don't understand is that this only creates more opportunities for extremism against you. You live next to us for god's sake. Do you really believe killing a few hundred will solve the problem?

Anonymous said...

Anon 10:23 Toronto.

Anonymous said...

I think if anyone thinks that israel can be defeated is completely out of their minds--- we won the arab countries once and we'll do it again--- PSHHHT!

Anonymous said...

So what I've gathered from reading the comments here is that Lebanese think that Israel should accept attacks by a party in the Lebanese government because the intelligentia and diaspora are lacking the strength and/or desire to tackle the Islamofascist scourge in its midst.


Anonymous said...

what do the canadians say about all this? i only have access to the american news stations (and the israeli online)and (the lebanese from this site)

Anonymous said...

anon 10:32 soccer season is over. it's not about winning. In my opinion everyone in the region is losing. Wake up!

Anonymous said...

Mostly clueless, except the ones really interested, or the ones that have friends from that region.

I don't think anyone in the US or Canada would care about what is happening if there was a bigger piece of news that the media would be spending their time on...

Anonymous said...

A nice stat that CNN just showed:

Annual expenditure on the military:

Lebanon: $540 millions
Israel: $9.5 billions

If in 22 years of occupation of south lebanon you could not fix the problem and only made it worse, what logical reasoning are you using to think that more wars will fix the problem ?

Anonymous said...

you are right.
the sad thing is that more then a 150 ppl died just a few days ago in bombing in india. it was in the news for one day up here.

Anonymous said...

They can't use Google Earth maps in covering the Mumbai bombings. It's not "cool" news coverage.

For this one here, they can show maps, footage of fire, bearded men shouting death threats, kids in shelters,.. It just provides more material for sensationalist journalism!

On the other hand, this is a methodical gory destruction of a country, and the story stretches over several days. It gets more viewership.

Anonymous said...

so how much do you pay for your broadband?

Anonymous said...

If I was an Indian, I'd be really pissed off to be sidelined by this crap... Although if it turns out that Islamic radicalism was responsible for the train bombings, I suppose on a certain level it's all related.

It really may be a world war in the making. The question is, if it comes down to that, whose side will people take?

Anonymous said...

To: Rod Stewart "what logical reasoning are you using to think that more wars will fix the problem ? Your "war is not the answer" dictum is rather sophomoric. Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan were defeated and reformed by following total war. I hope total war is not required to defeat the latest world wide scourge, Islamofacism. However,Israel and the US will not succumb to medieval theocrats. Unfortunately, Lebanon is between the proverbial rock and hard place. Lebanon has become Iran's proving grounds, where the Iranians probe, harrass, and test Israel.

Anonymous said...

i really cannot understand this.
how come hassan nasrallah drag all of us israelis and lebanees to a war that both sides don't want.

i guess that you should know that most of the people that i know in israel want just to have a peaceful life. we have nothing against the lebaneese and most of us will be very happy to see lebanon flourish and developing in peace.

Anonymous said...

Anon 10:52.

Germany and Japan's ideologies were only a few years old, and very localized geographically.
In our present case, you're talking about a religion, one that's 1400 years old. How many muslims are there in the world? 1B? 2B?
Fixing the problem would start by stopping support for the regimes that are breeding the extremism. (hint: saudi arabia is a prime example).

War is not the answer. You'll kill a few thousands, there'll be many more thousands ready to take arms against you. Or against your children, and mine. I want my children to live in a better place than this.

And for the time being Tsahal is not combating islamofascism. They're bombing the lebanese people. Last I read, only 1 HA member was killed, the other 65 were civilians.

Anonymous said...

what else do you want to know about us?
how long have you been in canada?
why did you leave lebanon?
do you still have family back there?

Anonymous said...

to some americans, this event is 1000x as important as 911. the most significant day since the war in iraq began.

it's appropro that the israeli hate-speech against arabs (can you say judeofascists?) is seeping out of those nice, "hey lebanese, let's go get a cup of coffee" anonymous posters.

i am not a proponent of violence; that's why i condemn israel's violence.

i have yet to hear any israeli - officially or unofficially - admit that they are responsible for their own hands working this violence - yet they are the architects and instigators of it. your perpetual victimhood - history. no one feels like indulging you any more. grow up and live with the big kids already.

i never felt this way, until israel did what they did 2 days ago. i frowned at US support of them while their oppression of palestinians knew no bounds; but it seemed that was finally being resolved. i didn't quite like it; but their upscaled actions against palestinians, and their unfounded decimation of lebanon, is their bully-victimhood affecting the world. this is a different story.

israelis don't have to blame "islamofascist propaganda" for the world hating it; it only need look at its own lack of character; it's horrible use of the land given them; it's pain in the ass motherfucking long-term war and destabilization in the region; and its seeming inability to own up to the least action they take. everything is justifiable for them to do to others, and horrible if done to them.

i have snapped. i am sick of the mentality. i'm sick of the coddling. i'm sick of the infantile, diseased persecution complex. i'm sick of the blood being on my country's hands over it, too. i'm sick of it.

Anonymous said...

"i really cannot understand this.
how come hassan nasrallah drag all of us israelis and lebanees to a war that both sides don't want."

eli - this is israel's fault, plain and simple. israel is responsible for the decimation of lebanon - no one else. quit blaming others for your own country's atrocities.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I still have family there and I'm anxious crazy about them right now. I left to get a descent job after graduating from college. Syria, Israel, the US and all the countries fighting their wars in Lebanon and supporting local warlords made sure our economy doesn't prosper and goes back to the gutter everytime we feel we have some hope.

Anonymous said...

Its not over two Israeli soliders. Its over control. If they conquer and destruct Israel
what next Islamization slowly over Europe country by country.

Anonymous said...

i'm sorry to hear that. hope your family stay safe. and everyone elses, for that matter. mine too.

Anonymous said...

Are you Hezbollahniks still posting from Lebanon? Why has Israel not turned Lebanon into a parking lot already? It has the capability to do so. You only exist to incite hate and attacks against Israel. Israel needs to finish off the threat from Lebanon once and for all. No more quiet that Israel gave for the last 6 years of constant attacks and provocation from Lebanon.

Hezbollah is like the soap in a cup of Lebanese water. You have to throw out all of the water to get a fresh, clean taste.

Anonymous said...

"Its not over two Israeli soliders. Its over control. If they conquer and destruct Israel
what next Islamization slowly over Europe country by country."

that's right - it's not about 2 soldiers. it's about israeli atrocities against a sovereign nation, lebanon, and its destabilization of the middle east and perhaps the world.

the world isn't willing to pay for israeli's infantile and unwarranted paranoia - and all the havoc it creates - such as "islamization" over europe or whatever have you. how ridiculous.

israel - if you can't handle yourselves within international law, step aside. if you don't step aside, we will help you.

Anonymous said...

This american-style "parking lot" metaphor is just obnoxious.

I want to see you witnessing a war first-hand, hearing the bombs and missiles whistle above you, getting awakened by sonic booms in the middle of the night, or seeing blood - or body members - of your family members because of cheap acts of violence. I have.

Do that, and then come back to your suburban white-fenced house, and convince yourself that this violent videogame mentality is the way to treat other humans.

Just despicable.

Anonymous said...

dave francis - i don't think anyone here is from lebanon. there are some jewish people (i will bet from the US), and some others (i will bet from the US).

i am from the US. having had a lot of experience with disinformationists, i wager it's 90% of those here. there are a couple genuine lebanese people, though - i think they've left for the day.

good luck bringing us the real news!!

Anonymous said...

Anon 11:04 "to some americans, this event is 1000x as important as 911. the most significant day since the war in iraq began."

This is because after every report they show on CNN, they tell the viewers that "this is important to americans because it's driving up the gas prices!". That's why it's important to them. That's all that matter in the ME.

Anonymous said...

hey steve,

Food (my favorite topic): Israeli shawarma is different from Lebanese shawarma, it usually is turkey (or chicken) on spin with lamb fat which gives it flavor and then cooks off. I like Israeli shawarma better than most others, but Lebanese chicken shawarma I love grilled.

We also have kibbeh (it is kubbeh for jews) but Lebanese kibbeh is almost always better than Jewish kubbeh for my tastes.

We also have lahmajine (at least among Sepharadi / Mizrahi Israelis) but I don't know if you have it in Lebanon. i know Armenians and Turks do, but they may have a slightly different name.

Yes, most Israelis observe shabbat in some way, though not always strictly, many people will just have qidoush and candle lightings (jewish ceremonies) with a family meal, others will observe more fully while some will not observe at all.

I know all of this may sound silly to discuss to some, but right now I feel glad to get my mind off of the nightmare happening now for a little while. My family is in Tzfat (Safed Safat?) and there have been many deaths and injuries and the town is in flames and we are all very scared. I am in America right now and I am trying to stay in touch but it I am not always able to get through. many friends are injured and everyone keeps waiting for more updates from Hussein Amar (the head dr in Tzfat).

To all those cynics, i would like you to know that in america it is no secret that jews, israelis and lebanese live in the same neighborhoods and know how similar we are and how close our cultures are. When many say we would love to vist Beirut we are not bullshitting. My father was able to see it in the 60's and said it was the moswt beautiful city in the world, better than paris etc. and his heart was broken during the war when it was hurt. The majority ethnic group in Israel are refugess from Arab / N. African countries who moved on from refugee camps and are still working to succeed.

I am sitting here in New York with my Lebanese neighbor and we are both constantly calling, scared for our families and for each other's families and we hope, that's all we can do.

Sorry for the long message,

Salam/ Shalom u'mvorakh,


Anonymous said...

rod - agreed. totally.

Anonymous said...

11:16 If Lebanon is a sovereign nation then that attack on the communities of northern Israel and the soldiers was an act of war against Israel, another sovereign nation. You reap what you sow.

rod stewart@ I saw the celebrations, the party atmosphere of Lebanon after those Israeli communities were attacked and the soldiers killed and kidnapped. Lebanese aren't stuffing their fat faces with sweets anymore.
If northern Israelis have to spend their nites in bomb shelters so will Lebanese.

Anonymous said...

israel's first bombing focused on two lebanese military bases, asshat.

now, lebanon - secure your borders! oh - we've bombed your roads? too fucking bad! what's wrong with you - why can't you control your people? what do you mean, your military materials have all been bombed into extinction? those lebanese - what boobs! (heavy sarcasm)

the northern israelis would not have to spend their nites in bomb shelters if their government didn't aggress against a sovereign nation. but they did. own up to grow up, little boy.

Anonymous said...

Anon 11:24

You naively fell in the trap of selective coverage, so well used by the media to bias and polarize their audience.

Those are the only pictures that I saw as well in the media, and I was immensely angry at that.

There were many more thousands in Lebanon that knew that this was a serious event, and believe me none of them cheered, or even had a glimpse of a smile.

Sometimes it helps to know both sides of a story before making a radical judgement....

Anonymous said...

Atrocities? Hama, anyone?

Very easy to be a pacifist when you're safe. Closing your eyes and wishing for peace doesn't mean that it will come and others will play nice.

Islamofascism will be defeated. This is simply the end of the beginning.

Anonymous said...

Hello dear fellow bloggers. here in northern israel we do our best to stand and be strong in this shower of rockets hizbulla is raining upon us.

We know you want peace, just like us. We know you are not a part of this war. And we feel sorry for you, sincerely.

you and us both pay the price for letting hizbulla get bigger and stronger. I hope IDF will destroy hizbulla without doing any more damage, and without taking lives.

best regards,


Anonymous said...

By the way, Israel left south Lebanon because it was tired of low intensity conflict. If that conflict is going to come to Israel, Israel has nothing to lose by bringing it back to Lebanon. Israel's going to fight regardless, so should the people of Haifa stay awake while the people of Beirut sleep tight?

I know, I know... it's Israel's fault. And the neocons. And the Zionist conspiracy.

Keep blaming others... I'm sleeping tight tonight. What about you? Sweet dreams!

Anonymous said...

at the honest journalist trying to get the news out there, it's easy to get the news but tougher to get it published/broadcast! Good luck though!

Anonymous said...

what should the world do about your judeofascism, and what should we make of your bullshit threats? "this is the end of the beginning" indeed.

Anonymous said...

11:27 f Lebanon. The Lebanese government immediately praised the attacks.

Then the Lebanese government got funny and stated it wasn't the job of the Lebanese army to protect Israel from Hezbollah.

So if you aren't going to use those roads and military bases to do anything but to transport Israeli hostages you really don't need those roads and military bases. Lebanon is a sovereign nation run by terrorist Nasallah.

rod stewart

The Lebanese are at best indifferent, they don't care what happens to Israel, they only care what Israel does in response to Lebanon. The former is acceptable, the latter, well it's too late for the latter. The anonymous poster 11:27 is a perfect example of that coward.
Lebanon's an immature child too irresponsible to have such big toys.

Anonymous said...

"you and us both pay the price for letting hizbulla get bigger and stronger. I hope IDF will destroy hizbulla without doing any more damage, and without taking lives."

can't anyone in israel take responsibility for their own actions?

israel's aggression on the sovereign nation of lebanon stands alone. it is not hezbollah's fault. it is not anyone's fault, except for the israeli government. they had a wealth of options in hand - decimating a nation was their choice. it was the wrong choice - it was a world-defining choice.

what should the world do about these judeofascists?

Anonymous said...

11:35pm, Judeo nothing. Pro-Israel, anti-Islamofascist. Middle East, Persian Gulf, Asia-Pacific, South Asia, Europe... It's a scourge. And it will be defeated.

Anonymous said...


we launched an attack and you're hitting back and we want you stop and you won't!


Anonymous said...

entities condemning israel's actions (cursory glance):

palestinian authority
arab league
the pope
great britain

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah I'm ashamed to have some lebanese ancestry. The smartest thing a lebanese person ever did was when leave Lebanon and moved to Canada.
Israel creates an oasis in the desert and Lebanon is a worse shithole than what my ancestors left behind decades ago.

Anonymous said...

lebanon is a beautiful, wonderful country - cosmopolitan, historic, rich, diverse, interesting, valuable. your ignorance is very "american."

Anonymous said...

dear "wah" -

fuck yourself. if that's how you accept israel's killing of innocent lebanese, clearly you are the terrorist we should all be afraid of. but hey, i already knew that.

Anonymous said...

"lebanon is a beautiful, wonderful country - cosmopolitan, historic, rich, diverse, interesting, valuable. your ignorance is very "american." "

That's great, show how enlightened you are by stereotyping an entire country.

Lebanon is a joke. It has been since the Islamic invasion snuffed out the last of the glory of the indigenous cultures. Nowadays Lebanon is practically Western Syria which makes it... Far West Iraq.

It's therefore no surprise Lebanese today try to revise history and identify as Phoenicians and such nonsense to get away from being associated with Arabs.

Anonymous said...

dear fuck yourself.

There are no innocent Lebanese. You used your chance at democracy to elect a terrorist group that went on to violate Israeli sovereignty. Now deal with it. Cry us a river.

Anonymous said...

dear 11:53 glad to hear you use the same logic as bin ladin!! you should really joing that group.

Anonymous said...

Bin Laden? What's wrong with that? When 9/11 happened in America you Lebanese said that was a great thing. You just reminded me of this, now I know Lebanon is getting what it deserves 110%.

" Italian journalist in Beirut reported:

Trying to find our bearings, my husband and I went into an American-style cafe in the Hamra district, near Rue Verdun, rated as one of the most expensive shopping streets in the world. Here the cognitive dissonance was immediate, and direct. The café's sophisticated clientele was celebrating, laughing, cheering and making jokes, as waiters served hamburgers and Diet Pepsi. Nobody looked shocked, or moved. They were excited, very excited.

An hour later, at a little market near the U.S. Embassy, on the outskirts of Beirut, a thrilled shop assistant showed us, using his hands, how the plane had crashed into the twin towers. He, too, was laughing. "

Anonymous said...

Anon 11:35 PM writes "what should the world do about your judeofascism, and what should we make of your bullshit threats? " I'm sorry you resent the Islamofacist label that Hezbo, Hamas, al qeda, et al so richly deserve. I wish and still have some hope that Islam will clean its own house. Can you point out any Christian, Hindu, Bhuddist, or "Judeofascist" suicide bombers? The Islamofacists don't seem to play well with others. Was it Israel's fault that Aussie's were blown up in Bali by Muslim butchers? Step back and look at the entire planet, Islamofascists hate damn near everyone. Sad but true.

Anonymous said...

dear anonymous, you keep using the phraze "judeofascists", yet i dont really think you know the true meaning of facism. israel is a small democratic state, that is only getting smaller and smaller because it's giving away land to the palestinians.

so judeo i can understand, i can understand even if people disagree with its actions, but there's nothing facist about it, no matter how you look at it. unless, of course, you invent a new meaning of your own to this word.

Anonymous said...

The Lebanese laughed about terror on 11/9/01. Go to hell you Lebanese I hope a big Israeli missile lands on you.

Anonymous said...

israel is a sweet little country - just ask them! they are peace-loving people. just ask them! (but not israeli peace activists - they're wacky) wrt lebanon - they "couldn't help it"! damn that hizbollah!

spare me the spin. judeofascists! aggressors! oppressors! murderers! live with it. anonymous 11:53p, at least, takes off the "who - me?" mask, and paints israeli aggression for what it is. as ugly as it is, it's honest.

Anonymous said...

As an Israeli I suggest the following:
After all of this is done lets have a million men/women march from Tel Aviv to Beirut to say to the world we are sick and tired from wars we want to have peace we want to go to the beaches and not to wars. Who will be the second to sign. I already sign on this

Anonymous said...

Lebanon is going crazy. They don't have enough internal disputes so they have to reach out and attack Israel. Syria is laughing at you dummies.

Anonymous said...

911 - acting like THAT was the worst thing that ever happened is an insult to people worldwide that endure war and aggression much worse than the US ever experienced.

americans are such assholes about that. and so what if lebanon laughed? they didn't do it. why didn't the US ever go to war with saudi arabia, the location of the majority of those who supposedly did it? americans don't even give a shit about that. no, instead, america goes into the weakest countries in the middle east - afghanistan and iraq.

it takes an absolute idiot to swallow these things without thinking.

Anonymous said...

I think Israel overreacted, don't you think? I am praying that both wars will stop and we all live in peace.

Anonymous said...

one edit, eli -

how about "while this is going on?" how about NOW. b/c when it's over, it's given israel the green light to barbarically decimate a sovereign country. no one will be willing to march with you, then.

Anonymous said...

Doesn\'t change the facts that the Lebanese support attacks on America. I hope Israel makes your pathetic lives even more miserable. 9/11 taught America what Israel and India go through all the time from muslim terror.

Anonymous said...

It was dumb to think the Lebanese were different, they are just the same savage jihadists you\'d find across the Middle East. A primitive barbaric people, only they traded their rags in for suits and jeans..

Omni said...

I'm in the United States; it's hard for me to judge who's right or wrong or to blame for which things, and I have no idea what should be done to fix it. What I DO know is that many innocent people will suffer before this is settled, and this makes me very sad; I hope that all of you who are in the danger zone, in whichever country, will be safe, that your families will be safe, and that we'll see a swift end to the current hostilities... an end that doesn't involve an escalation of violence.

The American people care about you. We care about your children. Our thoughts and prayers are with all of you.

Anonymous said...

I go to a place like and read sensible it seems many blame the Israelis for the worldwide problem with Islam.

Are the Israelis just supposed to allow Iranian and Syrian agents attack them from Lebanon.

Regime change is Syria and Iran is the only long-term viable option for you Lebanese, but you refuse to think long-term, so you blame the Israelis for fighting the disease.

You guys seem way too eager for dhimmitude.

Anonymous said...

as if lebanon were the "disease." hey, disinformationist - your agenda is showing! the only creeps who talk about "regime change" are americans - especially talking about iran/syria in all this. the PNAC regime is soooo eager to further its world-domination aims.

and to the other commenter - you're damn straight i blame israel for its own actions, as does the rest of the world. why doesn't israel? because it is a psychopathic society, incapable of seeing itself as anything besides a victim, even as it murders. sick, sick society.

Anonymous said...

i wonder if "free lebanon" seeks to free lebanon the same way the US has "freed" iraqis and afghanis?

more freedom by death and torture, we don't need.

it's so "kind" of israelis to be both lebanon's murderer and savior at the same time. however, it seems that most lebanese know the snake when they see it. nice try, though.

Anonymous said...

PNAC is an American think-tank, no more. Anyone who mentions "PNAC" in a post really shows a disconnect from reality. PNAC has no is simply a group of academics.

Anonymous said...

Israel is no snake. It\'s a little elephant. And now it will trample all over Lebanon for being the weak rat that bit more than it could chew. 66 Lebanese reported dead. Hahaha. Go to hell the whole lot of you terrorist monkeys and swine.

If only you stupid Lebanese rats stayed on your side of the southern border, was that really too much to expect?

Anonymous said...

Dirka Dirka Dirka

Nasrallah is a fag.

Anonymous said...

I pray for you. Every single one of you. I can't think about anything else right now. The Israeli government is out of control, but anyone who has been paying attention has known that for a long time. I don't want to blame the Israeli people, but on the same hand, who put this kind of government in place? Sadly , I see my own country (America) has decided to put "national security" ahead of morality as well. And for that, all Americans including me are responsible and we wear the blood of innocent people. So as much as I don't wan't to blame the Israeli people, in a democracy, the buck stops with the citizens. I am so sorry that this is happening. I am so sorry that so many of MY tax dollars have gone to fund this slaughter.

Anonymous said...

Samhsarah you retard, the Lebanese elected a terrorist group to the government. Now their stupidity caught up with them.

And it doesn\'t matter what you think of Israel. Israel is obligated to protect its citizens from Lebanese raids no matter what any foreign nation says.

Anonymous said...

"And it doesn\'t matter what you think of Israel. Israel is obligated to protect its citizens from Lebanese raids no matter what any foreign nation says."

"And it doesn't matter what you think of Murka. Murka is obligated to protect its citizens from weapons of mass destruction in Iraq no matter what any foreign nation says"

Spoken like a true decider.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone think the bombardment is over. Maybe Israel wanted to do a little cock-walk. Hasnt it pulled out of much of Gaza. I have a feeling alot of people are pissed at Olmert and have expressed it to him.

Anonymous said...

samhsarah - that's exactly how i feel. exactly. only throughout the day, as i have been subjected to an onslaught of braindead propaganda, i have gotten angrier and angrier.

PNAC - i love the spin of it being a "thinktank" of "academics." check it out - it's the "mein kampf" of the bush administration.

and i wouldn't call the following academics, exactly - maybe "ideologues."

dick cheney
donald rumsfeld
bill kristol
paul wolfowitz
jeb bush
scooter libby
r. james woolsey
elliot abrams
william j. bennett
john r. bolton
zalmay khalilzad
richard perle
robert b. zoellick
Reuel Marc Gerecht
vin weber
dan quayle
max boot

Anonymous said...

pondering american - don't pray for me. your god loves me - but you - you don't have a clue - about god or me.

Anonymous said...

What is that list supposed to proof? Is it a crime to associate with people who have similar views? You really have no concept of freedom of speech and freedom of association.

Here's a task for you: See how many individuals who worked for Carter and Clinton worked for the Brookings Institution, and you'll see a much larger list than that. Also, Bush has tons more people working for him from the American Enterprise Institute.

Ripping on PNAC like you do, solely because many our Jewish, shows a level of anti-Semitism that I did not expect to encounter from Lebanese Christians. It's quite disheartening that you've bought into all the Muslim propaganda.

Anonymous said...

ummm 1:47a -

how is it i don't have a clue about free speech by posting the names of some notable PNAC individuals, along with the link? they are the neoconservative global agenda-ists. they comprise the bush administration. they push US global domination, and they have the power to do so.

"ripping PNAC like i do" - that's rich. i didn't know many of them are jewish - but thx for the info. the existence of PNAC propaganda? no, marge, it's reality.

in sum, i think you've sniffed too much glue.

Anonymous said...

Nice rebuttal if you can call it that. Wish I hadn't visited this site. It has lowered my opinion of Lebanese, but nonetheless hope Israel takes care of the terrorists without too much collateral damage.

Anonymous said...

oh, brother - now bring armageddon into it! don't worry - god's not gonna let george bush & friends bring armageddon to the world until god's good and ready - no matter how george tries to win over his fanatical base.

and, in your response to your irresponsible, dehumanizing term, i retort - judeofascists. they are the ones that feel their children are more important. superior even. they aggress, oppress, murder. how many civilians has israel killed in lebanon in the past 2 days? 63 and counting. fascists. preemptive aggressors.

hey. why doesn't israel return the 3 lebanese it's holding illegally in its prisons back to lebanon. that's what started this whole thing, anyway - israel thinking it could do whatever it wanted with other country's citizens.

when is israel going to take responsibility for its own filthy actions? when? they cannot be justified.

Anonymous said...

anonymous 1:47 and 2:06 - are you bill kristol? i'd love it if you were, and kind of fancy that. if so, i accuse you of playing way too much risk as a kid. is that true?

Anonymous said...

I am American who supports Israel and Lebanon (w/o MUSLIMS).



Lebanese, kill the leaders of the cult in your country. Its civil war for you, unfortunately. But, if you are to become the jewel of the Middle East you need to wipeout the cockroaches, the 7th century barbarians. Israel and America will help you. We are doing it in Afghanistan and Iraq. Phillipenes too. India is going to take care of Pakistan. Israel is going to melt Syria and Iran. Forget Europe.

Anonymous said...

muslims live in america, you asshole. the only ones speaking this way are american, PNAC aggressors. you are a cockroach. a racist, pathetic, napoleon-complexed cockroach. the world is done with barbarians like you.

Anonymous said...

Not only is Lebanon getting bombed and invaded. My favorite blogs are now filled to the brim with idiot racist posters.. How sad.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad Lebanon is getting the b*tchslap that it deserves. These Hizbulla idiots are going to get all kinds of Lebanese civilians killed because they don't have the balls to get out from behind their women and children and FIGHT. Cowardice on the part of Radical Muslims are the only reason civilians there will die. What a shame.

Anonymous said...

To anon 2:37
As a Jewish person living in Israel, I must say that you are a complete idiot if you think that To "kill the Muslims" is the solution to the problems of this world. In fact, it is because of people like you from both sides that we have this war in the first place. Since you obviously know nothing about the Islam, nor about the spirit of this Blog, would you please be kind enough NOT to write here ever again?!
And to all of you in Lebanon, I can only wish you a quiet day, and quieter days...

Anonymous said...

hello, since you are having lots of comments here, I created you an IRC channel

(download the client from here " ")

Connect to:
channel: #lebanesebloggers

BTW: I am also lebanese

Anonymous said...

Edit 2:
hello, since you are having lots of comments here, I created you an IRC channel

(download the client from here " ")

Connect to:
channel: #lebanesebloggers

BTW: I am also lebanese

Anonymous said...

I should re-iterate. The RADICAL MUSLIMS, show me moderates and peaceful muslims and I show you a German civilian circa 1938. The jihadis... The ones that are inflaming every corner of the world. From Somalia to Bosnia to Chechnya to Turkey to London to New York (Have we forgotten?) to Amman, to Egypt, to Bali, to India, to Tanzania, to Saudi Arabia.. etc etc etc.

Anonymous said...

I may be a young misinformed american, but I feel something big and bad is going to come out of this fighting. I have a year left before they can't call me back into the Marines. I served in Iraq. If you crazy assholes over there could hold off blowing the shit out of each other over nothing until may of next year I would appreciate it.

Anonymous said...

to anon 2:59 - on behalf of america, i apologize for what has become the standard propagandist fare.

we have to put up with this crazy ranting on every single political/social internet site. it's all inflammatory; it's all unreasonable; it's all aggressive, and it all supports the bush admin agenda in some way. it's very 1984-ish, very stalinist USSR. they love their freedom to spew hateful, racist, murderous crap.

everyone doesn't feel this way; but if you let them, they will make it seem that they speak for a majority by sheer volume and repetition of ideas. it's a psyops campaign to disseminate the party line.

i'm with you. i think most israeli citizens - and lebanese citizens - along with most major governments, i might add - condemn these actions.

Anonymous said...

from israel:

ask yourself, where did all the Christians go? That used to live in the Desert, inhabited Bethelehem? That made up majorities in Lebanon? That used to live in Saudi Arabia? That are diminishing in Iraq? That used to live in "TransJordan" or "Assyria" Further ask where did our brothers the Jews go?

Where did the Nazi party find sympathy and support during WW2? One only needs to look to Jerusalem in 1933 and Persia (Iran/Aryan).

I am a diligent observer. My country has been attacked several times in the past 30 years. I see Israel attacked on a near daily basis by terrorists. They all shout Allah Akbar.


Islam is not a "religion" it is a political ideology that has religious like components. Mohammed and Hitler would have been good friends I fear.

Further, if the muslims would actually read the Koran with Syro-Aramaic in mind, it would be quite a different story as there was no written Arabic at the time of Mohammed and he took aspects of Judaism and Christianity, most likely from Syro-Aramaic gospels and writings and made them his own with a expansion by the sword twist. Obviously Islam expanded to the point it threatened Europe and thus we had the Crusades. Which goes to show, fanatics of Christendom can be quite brutal as well.

Funny thing happened though, Enlightenment and Renaissance. Something unfortunately the Islamic world needs desperately if it wants to co-exist in the 21st century.

While they are not busy killing us infidels, they are busy killing each other, Sunni vs Shiite. Wahabii vs Sunni. Al Qaeda vs all.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

"Mohammed and Hitler would have been good friends I fear."

fuck this racist, bigoted, propagandist crap!!!!! this is outrageous!

Anonymous said...


Racist? I didn't know Islam was a "race"

I didn't know one could be racist against an ideology. Especially against an Ideology that is itself inherently racist and genocidal.

If Hitler had declared Nazism a religion , I guess we would just have to deal with it. Treat it with respect. Make sure not to offend anyones sensibilites. Even as we watch them bomb tube station and train after train. Bomb tower after tower. Blow up pizza parlor after pizza parlor. Eh?

How many Palestinian Christian Suicide bombers have there been? 0. Yep. 0. Even though they, at one time comprised upwwards of 6% of the population. Never a single Christian suicide bomber that blew him/her self up in the name of God.

How many islamic suicide bombers?

Matthew 7:15 - 23 "Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheeps clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits."

Anonymous said...

Glorious Lebanese American, I couldn't agree more.

Anonymous said...

You got to just love these Arab tyrants. Like Saddam before Nas, they are full of their own caca making announcements that they are winning a war when in fact they are getting their asses beat like a rented mule! Israel's 21st century technology versus 1960's Katyusha rockets that can't be aimed. Wow, Nas, you really shit the bed on that one! Did you really think you were formidable? Go play tyrant in someone else's backyard! What could you be thinking? In 7 days us good lebanon folk will be rid of this ass-wipe and I for one will thank Israel when he's finally dead. Go ahead and hate me, but it needs to be said. Thank you Israel, as a moderate Lebanese living in Leb, I say be our guest and rid us and the world of one of the world's most misguided jack-gasses.

Anonymous said...

Words of support from Greece. Lebanon, rid yourself of Hizbollah. Show us the Cedar Revolution again. Your country and the wider world is at stake. If there ever was a time, it is NOW.

Hunt down the guerillas and terrorists. Rat out the traitors in your government. Shoot em if you have to. Just get it done, and soon. Or Syria and Iran are going to make your lives miserable.

Anonymous said...

bullshit, you're lebanese-american. you're an american shill - and a really crass one at that. the saving grace is - american/israeli policy in this instance is so beyond reasonable that no one can swallow it. your idiotic post is indicative of a wealth of misunderstanding. or, to put it in a more clever way - "what you don't know could fill a book."

the lebanese - and for that matter, israelis, and americans - are not duped by the slant.

israel's unprovoked, full-scale war against the sovereign country of lebanon stands alone.

they are not justified. they broke international law. they have proven time and again that they cannot handle the simple burdens of a nation with regard to diplomacy and ethical/legal action. i hope the international delegation takes over - israel obviously can't handle themselves on any meaningful level. they have not been able to live peacably in the region; they have not been able to negotiate a humane solution to cohabitate with palestinian neighbors. they are an embarrassment to the gift of land given to them and the countries that supported them.

the fascists - the aggressors - it's israel, and it's obvious - except, of course to israel. the high-maintenance girlfriend who doesn't know how ugly she is. what a burden; what a liability. what a drain on the whole planet.

Anonymous said...

Having sifted through the endless tit-for-tat exchanges between Israelis, Lebanese and the like, it seems to me that what none of you get is that "God" didn't give you anything. Each of you have been stealing from and invading one another since time immemorial. What makes your blood and land lust more palatable is your shared dillusion that any of you have a "manifest destiny" over your land. Your leadership on all sides know how easy it is to pull your chains and play the Ala or YHVH or Jesus card and you sheep will slaughter one another with crusade-like fervor.

Shi'ite? Sunni? Druze? Jewish? Christian? Every one of you are sheep and your children are being led to the slaughter to forward someone else's political agenda and making arms dealers richer than God and somehow you think that God will bless you and your people for murdering in his name. Wake up. Learn from us who lost two continents in the name of Jesus intoned in English, Spanish, Dutch and Portuguese. Until you reject these forked tongue devils, look at your skin, and realize you are brothers and pawns in this latest round of the conqusitador game, you are doomed and cursed in God's eyes.

Anonymous said...

My prayers to all in the Middle East. I especially remember my Orthodox brethren among the Palestinians, Lebanese and Syrians. Kyrie Eleison.

Anonymous said...

How about that Hizbullah, asking for lebanese prisoners from Israel jails. Whatever happened to the many Lebanese held in Syrian jails.Why didn't he ask for them back. Swell guy that Nasrallah is.

Anonymous said...

so - 90% of the world hates what israel has done. but here - 90% of this site is telling lebanon to engage in civil war - that after being bombed to bits.

disproportionate action by israel; and disproportionate propaganda spewers at this site. same - same.

Anonymous said...

Allah is a homicidal faggot of god anyway. Who cares about muslims, they are the mistake of history.

Anonymous said...

"israel's unprovoked, full-scale war against the sovereign country of lebanon stands alone."

LOL! that's hilarious.You have a child's mind. What fairy tale are you living in, please return to reality my friend. Also, i am 100% Lebanse living well in Northern Leb.

Anonymous said...

fact is - israel's response could have been to release lebanon citizens from israeli jails, the reason to take the 2 soldiers. but they didn't. they chose war.

they decimated lebanon, instead. the world community expects israel to follow international law. they didn't. they chose unwarranted, preemptive aggression.

Anonymous said...

so - 90% of the world hates what israel has done.

If you make such an idiotic statement it is necessary to provide a factual proof for your claim.
But i gues it is better for u to look just like a random Internet idiot spewing rabbish.

Anonymous said...

"israel's unprovoked, full-scale war against the sovereign country of lebanon stands alone."

LOL! that's hilarious.You have a child's mind. What fairy tale are you living in, please return to reality my friend. Also, i am 100% Lebanse living well in Northern Leb.

you're a lebanse? yeah, right. so am i then.

Anonymous said...

fact is - israel's response could have been to release lebanon citizens from israeli jails, the reason to take the 2 soldiers. but they didn't. they chose war.

they decimated lebanon, instead. the world community expects israel to follow international law. they didn't. they chose unwarranted, preemptive aggression.

I see now, The international law states that if another country attacks your soldiers on your territory, kills some and kidnaps others, you have to release all your prisoners and say sorry. Any other repsonse would be unproporional. Lovely international law that is.

Anonymous said...

the countries that have condemned israel are listed above. please add brazil and switzerland to it, and quit boring me with your knowledgeless invective.

Anonymous said...

Isreal is a country that was built on evil and killing to innocent people. It is funny that very few poeple realize this....

Anonymous said...

3:58 I guess us Christian/Sunni/Druze sect really get under your sorry ass Shia skin. When will you realize that you are fighting a unwinnable war and that 75% of Lebanese don't support your silly ass leader Nas.

Anonymous said...

Dohaa, you well said:"
"The Iran-Syria Axis has just fully materialized"

we heard this morning at Israeli news, that Syria is going to help Hezbollah now...
how silly and stupid can that Syrian man can be?

why do they want to put on fire the middle east?
didn't Lebanon was flourishing these recent time? and tourist where coming, and prosperity was there?
Israel as well, was recovering hard times
but Evil forces are forever an obstacle for the rest of the world
and Israel has to fight for It's life
And seem like Lebanon has to fight for it's life as well!
not to fight against Israel, fight against the aggressions of terrorists who took over the sovereignty of Lebanon lands.

Anonymous said...

fuck israel and its murderous, unwarranted, illegal actions against a sovereign country. fuck 'em. they're wrong. they need to be stopped, now, those motherfucking lunatics.

Anonymous said...

I read a lot about how the jewish state of Isreal was brought to existence ....It is a shame that poeple who suffered from pain, themselves, are passing it on to other people on the basis of a big lie that this land of us, the Arabs, are u are just fucked-up drama queen liars...
We will wave to you from heaven....
Lebanese in awe...

Anonymous said...

thanks, israel, for putting the world at risk for wwiii. as we said about bush - nice war, assholes.

Anonymous said...

let's just pray that something good comes out of this mess--namely, the complete and utter destruction of hezbollah. there are people demonstrating against Israel's actions...I say let Israel continue until we are finally rid of our "southern plague"

Anonymous said...

fuck israel and its murderous, unwarranted, illegal actions against a sovereign country. fuck 'em. they're wrong. they need to be stopped, now, those motherfucking lunatics.

I'll bet a 100 bucks that after that statement you will not go into frontline and actually fight the Israelis. What you do instead is sip some coffee, type some rhetoric rubbish in various places on the Internet in then go and beat up your wife. A typical day of a muslim fuktard, all words, no brain, no commitment.

Anonymous said...

hezbollah isn't the problem. israel's war against lebanon is the problem.

i wonder if any REAL lebanese people believe that it's in their best interests to allow israel to continue to bomb its country to smithereens... especially after israel got its ass kicked out of lebanon in 2000 for ISRAEL'S occupation of parts of lebanon! that's pretty laughable. lebanon isn't even on speaking terms with israel...

the full of shit brigade is on overdrive in here.

Anonymous said...

we here in israel have nothing against lebanon. we wish peace and tranquility andthat kids on both sides of the border will be happy and healthy.
hizbulla is killing israelis and lebanese. they are forcing us israelis to defend ourselves and lebanon pays a big price also.
you in lebanon must prevent hizbulla and syria from destroying lebanon and israel.
may god be with all good people on both sides.

Anonymous said...

If anyone has a minute, just google QANA,...and see what do u get,...shame on you people of Israel...the chose ones, actually you were chosen, but God was really angry at you, and was, since then, and he will be forever....killers. Killers, your history are stained with blood of innocent people....I am sorry for you guys, you live in a big lie…….
But as it is written, you are cowards, and you hate to know that might die, you can’t face the idea, because you that you are mistaken, and big-time-wrongdoers…..
When you will wake up, is a mystery….
But you will
Lebanese in awe……………………

Anonymous said...

anonymous 4:09am
please don't believe that all lebanese are as ignorant as the one you quoted above. what is this about actions against a sovereign country ? isn't israel sovereign as well ? israel's reaction is much too strong and not proportional to what hezbollah did...but certainly it has the right to act in defense.

Anonymous said...

why do you call me a muslim, bigot? why do you call me a man, sexist?

Anonymous said...


Israel isn't putting the world at risk. She is defending herself and her country and population. Lebanon has been to war torn, weak, and corrupt to deal with hezbollah and the scourge of Syria and Iran's influence in its country. Cedar Revolution made for nice pictures, but the meat of the deal is here and now.

The lebanese that love their country, that don't want war, that don't want Iran and Syria in their country, that don't want Hezbollah. They need to get out on the streets now and make it well known that Iran and Syria are not welcome.

Why do you think the US has implicated Syria and Iran outright?

It means, the US will support Lebanon against Iran and Syria if they try any funny business. Israel will take care of Hezbollah. The US will protect you from Syria and Iran. People in those countries will see you stood up and perhaps they will someday overthrow their dictators and murderous regimes that use Palestinian situation to inflame their people.

Anonymous said...

no, haim -

israelis are directly killing lebanese. when will one israeli take responsibility for their actions? you don't respect lebanon's sovereignty? face the world, who disagrees.

Anonymous said...

This is going to be a rout! If this were a soccer match the score thus far would be Israel 20 Hiz 0. The laws of war 101, never pick a war with a superior power. I just can't wait to have our country back. The syrians left last year, now Hiz gets knocked into the sea or ground.

Anonymous said...

By the way….I hate to see innocent people to die on both sides, but I am assuming that people of Isreal, since they don’t mind others (gentiles) to die…like Arabs, Muslims, Sunnis, Shi3as……they are for it….you always vote for extremist parliament that allow for more killing of innocent people…can you be a peaceful country…or it is not in you dictionary….really people of Isreal…do you understand the word: “Peace”…I don’t think so….Really….!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lebanese in AWE

Anonymous said...

the full of shit brigade in this website might be very active, as are the lunatic crazed hezbollah supporters
how can you live with yourselves ? our people are dying and your out celebrity every time the jackasss syrian / iranian pawn makes a statement. you are no more lebanese than are syrian and iranian sickos. you are pathetic and i am ashamed to say that hezbollah supporters have lebanese roots. you are animals--your families get killed and your out in the streets celebrating the power of hezbollah.
hoping israel keeps its word about eliminating him as soon as possible...

Anonymous said...

You'll better look here and click on the regions and language

Another Western propaganda or are there a lot of horny pedophiles in Arab countries. Makes you wonder

Anonymous said...

sadly, violence begets more violence and israel's actions today will only lead to new hizballahs and nasrallahs in the future.

Anonymous said...

"Why do you think the US has implicated Syria and Iran outright?"

why do you think the US is the ONLY country to implicate syria and iran? because the US' war plans have included iran specifically (syria? who knows) from the beginning. this is no secret. is it shrewd? no - actually - predictable.

it's the same tactic that made them talk about going to war with iraq on september 12, 2001. there was no connection; just desire and opportunity.

Anonymous said...


Israel is killing Hezbollah, and as I see it and much of Lebanon sees it. That is a much overdo.

The "world" is often wrong. Full of pissant fiefdoms and egos that step all over each other. I love America, I love Lebanon (w/o Syria and Hezbollah) and I love Israel.

Anonymous said...

at anonymous 4:17, who knows, why don't you ask michael jackson!

Anonymous said...

how can i live with myself?

first of all - israel is killing lebanese. we can't move forward until israel takes responsibility for its abhorrent actions. for once.

grow up, israel!!

Anonymous said...

how can i live with myself?

first of all - israel is killing lebanese. we can't move forward until israel takes responsibility for its abhorrent actions. for once.

grow up, israel!!

Yeah, israel kills Lebanese now and it is not a secret. Israel took responsibility for eliminating Hizbollah and is carrying it out.
Whats your point?

Anonymous said...


Hah. I must be blind and deaf. It looks to me like Syria and Iran provie material support to Hezbollah. Syria has been a thorn in Lebanon's side ever since the civil war. Iran, it talks of wiping Israel off the map, up until even yesterday.

You have to be an absolute idiot... Or Europe, to not stare down at Syria in Iran in this situation. And of course I am sure out lil friend in NK will launch a few missles cause he ain't getting attention anymore, using tech he has sold to Iran no less from China. But, whatever, be an ostrich and stick your head in the sand and think this war only started on January 20th 2001 when Bush took office... Talk about narrow minded.

This war has been going on for centuries. Why did the French come to Lebanon in 1860 for instance? Because the Moslems were busy decapitating and killing thousands of Lebanese Christians. I am supposed to find a way to make Bush at fault for that...

Anonymous said...

As you see am not answering to one person in particular….just saying my views
I don’t care of the Israelis who are attacking the blog here...
I want to stress the Word QANA you google with it the word Lebanon for faster search results….
You are attacking our country for 2 fucking soldiers…and you have 1000s of Arab prisoners in your jails…detained in unjust and inhumane way….
Am not anti-Semitic because it is the first thing that Mr Jew and Mr. Jewess think of saying…Arabs, by the way, oppppps, FYI, can’t be anti-Semitic because they are Semites…
No it is not the J-gene that we hate in you, and not the fact that you are Jews, we really cannot care less, we just mind that you took our land, Palestine… caused destruction, and death for 1000s of civilians… Palestine, FYI too, wasn’t empty as you claim, there lived Palestinians there…and you killed them viciously and took their Land…and lied about it, and continue lying…and falsely convincing all the world…..with all kind of lies…that is ur land.
Oh God give me a breakkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
There was no fucking terrorism in the world before 1948…u came and then it was…
People hide ur faces in the sand…..
Out of shame!
Lebanese in AWE…..

Anonymous said...

"...isreal say: "we give, and look what we get", so they prefer war, because they see no peace from with-draws."

ugh. puh. thpuh. you give? you jest.

hey - if the state of gaza and lebanon, today, is the result of israeli altruism - i say - quit giving! lol

what a self-centered crappy country. no clue.

Anonymous said...

"Hah. I must be blind and deaf. It looks to me like Syria and Iran provie material support to Hezbollah."

whose country was supposed to be on those rockets? the US? israel? russia? what name is on the israeli military materials?

this is such a stupid argument. in your world, they wouldn't have anything to defend themselves from israeli aggression.

Anonymous said...

Grow up Hizbullah! Who in their right mind takes soldiers and makes demands when only a few weeks earlier Hamas did the same thing and Israel wasn't making any deals. Look, Nas doesn't care about us Leb folk and it's interest, nor does he even have a responsibility to his own Shia children. Plain and simple, the guy is fucked up and i for one will do the dubkee on his dead body once that day comes.

Anonymous said...

One egyptian's thoughts:
And then you read something like Hal's latest rant and you ponder the arab mentality. We are the only people in the world who talk about dignity and honor when it comes to military conflict, and who will continue fighting losing wars, unprepared and undermilitarized, because of reasons such as "our pride and dignity" and then wonder why the fuck we lose. I mean, can you imagine if the americans acted the same way? They would never have left Vietnam. They would stay in Iraq forever. You don't see a single american saying "we should stay in Iraq because our national pride and dignity are wounded by the insurgents attacks". Only we would use some half assed justification to keep fighting wars we can't win, where we keep getting our asses kicked, and some how don't see the folly in it at all.

And all of this talk about Israel targeting civillians really pisses me off. Let me clear it up for you once and for all: Hamas and Hezbollah don't have military bases: they plan, operate and attack from homes, where their families are. The Israelis, in order to retaliate, they have to attack those homes, which always lead to those women and children, who live in those houses, to die. If Hamas and Hezbollah don;t want civillians to die, don;t fuckin plan your attacks or launch your attacks near civillians. But you know they do this on purpose, so it would look bad on the Israeli if they attacked. Dude, they called the airport 1 hour before they hit it to have it evacuated, they warned all of southern Beirut yesterday to take cover because they don't want to kill them. Not hezbollah. Hezbollah doesn't give a shit who their missiles hit. And somehow, they remain blameless in the arab mind: after all, they are not jews. Listen, you can not talk shit about how you will beat and destory Israel, and then scream "Humanatarian crisis" when they hit you back. Either suffer the consequences of your actions or SHUT THE FUCK UP. I am sick and tired of your fuckin POSING!

Anonymous said...


You need to go re-read a history book or four.

The "palestinians" really came from a country carved up called Jordan. You know the one created by the King of Saud when he gave the land to the sherriff of Mecca.

Land was sold to Jews in the area well before 1948. Or do you forget. It was officially made a Israel by the League of Nations. Before that time it was a British Protectorate. Israel was attacked the day it formed.

Then again in 1967 which it won and in fact conquered land and its enemies. Of course, Israel, being the victor had to give up the land it won... wait a minute.. that is some weird math. Get attacked, win, create buffer zone. Be forced to give it back to the people who attacked you.

Anonymous said...

Now, I for one awaited the Hezbollah surprise, and I have to say I found it rather dissapointing. They hit one fuckin ship. That's the surprise? That's what the Israelis should beware? Hehehe. Dude, they blew up half of Beirut, they destroyed Nasrallah's home and Office, and he is now hiding like a rat, declaring war on a cellphone since he no longer dares to show his face in public. He declares open war from a hideout and he doesn't even have the means to have it televized. We are suppsoed to be impressed by this? What are your war capabilities you fuckhead if in one day you run hiding and can't even show your face? What is this bullshit anyway? And you know the Israelis haven't even started fighting yet. why is…ahh..nevermind.

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