Thursday, July 27, 2006

Very telling animation

I got an e-mail yesterday night with the following link. Check it out.


Lirun said...

that is brilliant.. love it!!

nothing like some #$%^ in the reion

Raja said...

You know, B.I., I am no Islamist. In fact, I am of the belief that the biggest threat to the Muslim world are those fanatics who spout that the solution to all problems lies in taking everyone back to the "time of the prophet."

HOWEVER, to claim that the Islamic civilization did not have its golden era, and that our civilization today does not owe a considerable debt to that civilization, is to lie blatantly.

I could refer you back to the incessant warfare of the European Middle Ages, the Crusades, the Inquisition, the annihilation of the Native American populations, World War I, and World War II, and claim that Western Civilization "cannot blissfully thrive without red hot blood..."

BUT I DON'T... So take your bigotry elsewhere.

Shay said...

AAUGH. Does anyone have any idea what can be done to end this madness?
I know Israel won't stop until it has achieved some sort of preceived 'victory' over HA.
It doesn't seem likely that HA will ever stop either.
So what can the sane people on both sides do??

Lirun said...


we're doing something right here and now.. we're expressing our desire for peace as a top priority and as a matter of urgency..

our voices and intentions are being heard and both and you and i are publishing these views in our own P2M journalism through our blogs..

other than that we need to practise what we preach.. but i think we're headed off to a fair start..

peace to all

we all deserve peace