All death seekers, war mongers, self-righteous bigots, bringers of distruction and chaos, LEAVE LEBANON ALONE!
This blog was created to honor the memory of Lebanese heroes of all sects who were assassinated for their patriotic stands. May God bless their souls and bless Lebanon.
All death seekers, war mongers, self-righteous bigots, bringers of destruction and chaos, LEAVE LEBANON ALONE!
I couldn't have said it better, Raja.
Welcome back, by the way. You were certainly missed.
i think it would be valuable to us all to see how these very places look now
They can't leave Lebanon alone if they reign there and are dependent upon war do justify their survival.
nasbined, there are no "special rights". Every nation on earth would have the right to do the same thing Israel is doing when its citizens are kidnapped and the country attacked, it's just that not all countries have the means to do so.
As for "going home" - the Israelis are home. Do you think all Arabs should return to the Arabian peninsula and leave the rest of the middle east to Greeks, Persians, Assyrians, Kurds, Jews, etc, just because Israel could blast Arab populations to oblivion if it so chose?
"if they want their soldiers back they have to do so through negotiations like civilized people."
HA wanted their terrorists back. And did not go through negotiations. What does this mean? Hmmm.
Do you have pictures of this place now? It would be interesting to compare.
this is one of the strangest threads of comments i have ever read on this blog..
let's all purge our guts out hey.. maybe after we finish spewing all the crap in our minds we can talk some sense.. is that the game we're playing tonight?
hoping we can get back to the intelligent talk sometime soon.. its more inspiring
wishing us all peace and safety and better times..
one cant imagin where even to start a discution with you pro-isreali pepole!!
you are all the time talking about why lebanies didnt disarm HA , when you will start to disarm your generals and your war machine ?
you keep talking about HA viloated your boarders and kidnaped ur soldiers however i heard that Isreal military has violated lebanon boarders in last 5 years over 11,700+ times and its all reported to UN!
u keep talking about HA terror and rockets can any one of u give a figuer how many isrealies dead by that rockets in last 6 years? then i will give u a figure how many lebaneis have been killed by isreal military forces in last 6 years !
as i said , one get confuse how to start a dialog with you since most of you only want to believer ur side of story and keep repeating that lie over and over again untill ur self and as many as pepole u can convise may believe that lie !
barroon -
Read a couple of previos posts
Emile Lahoud is a joke. He does not represent anyone but the Syrian regime in Lebanon. People should not be lending any credence to anything he says.
Great page, lebanon looks like such a cool place to live!
If only you didnt harbor terrorists who attacked a powerful nation. Things would have been so great for you still!
I hope things get better soon for you all,
Alex (USA).
American and Israeli power,
Just who the hell do you think you are?
Coiled scale-up-snake on the heap of want,
Threshing down, down, down, down…
Over the back-snap-rape of one cell, one flesh.
Tell me just who the hell do you think you are?
Gleaning the myth of your shadowy scope, spittle down,
Down, down, down, down…
Stop your god-damned-marauding slaughter;
Your `if-it-suits-me-put-`em-to-death’ prattle!
You’ve not God tucked under your coat! God’s weeping mightily!
You’ve a small-g-god stuffed inside your loathe-filled-head!
You slaughter ideas, execute joy, and bend upright hope
And mold God into some monstrous slump-down-dreg!
Collateral damage will be your final stem-celled-shrieking,
You son-of-a-bitch!
I have no idea who conducted this survey. Or when it was conducted (after the hostilities began?). But I can GUARANTEE you (for what it's worth) that 70% of Lebanese citizens do NOT support the kidnapping of Israeli soldiers.
Maybe 70% of Shia (Hezbollah supporters)...MAYBE. But 70% of all Lebanese? NO WAY.
It's retarded polls like this that perpetuate the myths and the hatred.
You SERIOUSLY believe 70% of Lebanese support terrorism? SERIOUSLY?
I don't think ANY reasonable person would really believe a statistic like that.
Oh yeah. And it'd be nice if that article actually provided a link to the poll in question. "According to a Lebanese Institute" doesn't really mean anything.
I could post a story claiming that "According to an Israeli research firm, 90.3% of Israelis support torturing arabs."
Would you honestly believe something like that if I posted it?
Here's your 70%:
Please read the entire piece. Note the frequent mention of the other sect's anger at Hezbollah (and the picture accompanying).
Is Iran poised to strike?
Read this and tell us what you think this madman? is planning.
statistics are so meaningless.. slightly rephrase the questions and the same people will give you the opposite answer.. they are always crafted to achieve a particular response.. and reflect the positions of their sponsors..
my statistics tell me that..
100% of people killed die..
100% of people hit by missiles are unhappy about it..
100% of people threatened by war stand to lose happiness..
100% of destruction costs money to repair
100% of war needs to be cured by peace..
but my sources are also biassed
what to do
peace! seek and bring it..
chen. and all other pro-Israelis ( who are pro for good reasons !!! ) :
why u think u r the only nation on the face of earth that have " the right of defending his self and interest "?
why u think u r the only nation who have the right to make alliance with his friends and fight his enemies ?
why u think its not OK at all to feel or live under terror but u feel totally OK if ur neighbors live under ur terror and be terrified that maybe some day ur extremist will attack them ?
and PLEASE do not tell me there is no extremist among ur politicians , government ,people. for god sake u even assassinate ur own PM because he started road of peace and co-existence with others !
Israel gave a terror a new name and take it to whole new level by shifting terrorism from small organizations to a government policy . peace is a such big word for such a small minded nation. In year 2000 all arabs suggested peace to Israel ( a solid –long lasting as every body wants it ) but Sharon cabinet refused and dismissed the proposal.
I personally believe Israel government along with Israel nation are completely ready and feel carefree to kill 5 billions ppl on face of earth to secure Their right of so called “ RIGHT DEFENCE “ for less than 5 million Israeli .
I know so many of you will jump over me and will not like what I say or think but I will say it anyway cuz this is how I truly feel every day when I see a new born baby have been killed by ur military .
I Wish and pray that each and every innocent blood and soul that Israel took , come and hunt each and every one of you who support this government/military to the last day of universe . and I am not saying it out of hatreds . IF there is such thing call “ consequences “ there must be a consequences for all the blood ur military machine sucked in last 60 years of his existence .
ok.. here's a thought.. a no risk suggestion.. i challenge each and every one of you to spend a minute imagining the following:
you're name is amir/amira (A)
A's age is your age
A has the same job as you
A likes the beach.. cafes and travel
A is sensitive and caring
A drives a standard company car
now.. i ask that all israelis imagine that as that as A, they in fact live in Beirut.. and i ask all anti-israelis that they now live in haifa
you are now seeking shelter from bombs.. you now are not going to work.. your elderly relatives do not have access to medication because many doctors and nurses have shut down medical facilities to take refuge elsewhere.. you have no financial security.. you travel in fear
what do you feel now that you have crossed the border.. your life is hardly different but what does your mind and heart say now that you are on the other side..
now - remembering who you really are.. what does this mean to you..
as you may now understand Amir and Amira could be anyone of us.. jewish muslim israeli or lebanese..
our lives are not so different.. we are just as disposable and our tragedies are deeply hurtful..
we need to bridge the divide rather than deepen it.. we need to help eachother make this place safe and sound..
wishing peace to us all
enough fear and hatred.. more peace and friendship
we are so talented at coming up with reasons why we are so right and the other side is so wrong.. can't anyone see the uselessness in this?
peace and war are actually different
by we i mean everyone.. i am no self-hater
same here..
i just found this awesome link.. with heaps of information coming from a shared point of view..
if you look at the "about us" section you will have to be inspired..
wishing us all peace..
peace is achievable.
r u really fight for ur self ? then why every now and then US senet help isreal financialy and military and intelengence ?
some pay to make others kill for them some recieve to kill for others like ur goverment
PS: im living in kuwait. im not arab
All the “ clever missiles “ which US approved to give to Israel is not enough to cover up Israel stupidity .
Since they still targeting UN head quarter , Ambulance, hospital . yes…I know I know.. terrorist hid there !!! they shouldn’t
Dunes. Chen. Some others….
I am sure you know history of Israel`s wars/ partial peaces ! victories and losses better than me so I will appreciate if u acknowledge that ur government created and still having assassination forces who operate globally and handled lots of assassination of Israel “ ENEMIES” ! outside Israel boarders . then start to jump over others as supporter of terrorism . As Dr. Phill says “ u cant solve a problem until u acknowledge it “
Yes arabs did kill their president as well and yes that shows they don’t like the way that peace agreement put together .
I agree that HA is not a nation but a party who at least ¼ of Lebanese voted for him in the parliament and yes I agree that HA must get mixed to Lebanon army as a special force for time of need ,which can be very effective and I hope that happen in long term . ( non of these will be achieve under fire )
Dunes: A Fact check
Arab agreed on SA. Proposal called “ mobadara al –arabia “ ( Arabic initiative ) in the Arab summit in year 2000 suggested Land against peace to Israel but since Israel don’t like to withdraw from any land which is not his dismissed the proposal
Thank u for explaining what is “ Straw man” theory .
As a matter of fact from where I stand and see this comment area have become a big gathering of Israelis who are “ STRAW MAN” theory fans ! and that’s what made me get involved in commenting at first place .
Chen :
Excuse I didn’t see questions to answer , may be later I read all the comments all over again and find the questions u refer to
not half of the Glob .. Half of glob means at least 70 countires.
only countires who help US policies recieve it.
to be honest john i focus on Isreal cuz these weapon directly effect my daily life & bcuz i hate the fact that Isreal has hundreds of mass distructive weapons and nuclear missles
but if US give them to Fiji i cant care less
regarding the debate of Sadam/kuwait ... US should not gave Saddam military help at first place in 70`s to help him attack iran .long before he attack kuwait.
that was a problem made by US( like taleban and al-ghaeda) and US had to take care of it in 90`s!!
all that subject is not what is we talking about in this blog so please dont let us even go there and to stupit US forien policy in ME in last 30 years !
NassurDinHoga said
yes all that u said is true for kuwaities.its even getting better cuz Ameer will give every kuwaiti 600$ as a " sheykh gift" but for good or bad im not kuwaiti.
I have a tounge and it is red like urs or and all of who comment here .
if our government and your militias didnt (debatably need to) spend all that money lining the pockets of the arms industry.. imagine how many big fat gifts we could all have..
weapons suck #$%^&%$&%
The Shia only make up 30% of the Lebanese population. So I still don't get where the 70% stat came from.
If anythnig, I'd say 70% of Lebanese OPPOSE Hezbollah.
To answer your other question: The 1975-1990 civil war showed us that we can't simply divvy up Lebanon into cantons. Lebanon is too small for that, for one. And even if you DID do that, it wouldn't solve Israel's problem, because guess what? The "Hezbollahi Republic of South Lebanon" would still be immediately adjoining Israel's north. In fact, it would be another Gaza, to the North of Israel.
The solution is a strong unified Lebanon, not it being divided.
The question is HOW do we achieve that.
In that context, it sure looks to me like the current mess is taking us a step BACKWARDS, rather then forward. That's why i cringe when I hear the US and Israel saying they'd like a stronger Lebanese Army exerting full control over the country. We'd all like that, but the current mess is moving us AWAY from that, not towards it.
I wasn't referring to the 1932 census. My number might not be exact, but i'm pretty sure the Shia are about a third or so of the overall population.
Someone correct me (with link provided) if I'm wrong?
john, let's go back 50 years ago...where is israel ? 6 years ago ? dou really thinks that the conflict onl happen after 6 years ? o' brother another ignorant people.
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